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supercard peal/diamond help

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by crispier, May 20, 2007.

  1. crispier

    crispier Member

    i downloaded pokemon pearl and it doesnt work on my supercard.
    i touch the icon and it just becomes a white screen.
    i know its prolly been answered but i cant find it

    everyone says its the best game so i figured i would try it.
    (personally i think it looks the same as all of them since blue and red verson)
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It's something to do with the save type having to be 128 or something like that. I can never remember the exact name of the save type.
  3. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    you mean .sav?
    with my R4 card pokemon is working normally
    maby you can try to reformat i dont have any other ideas ???
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    no supercard is a slot 2 I believe, so there are various settings when transfering game to cart.
    The savetype should be the biggest possible afaik.
  5. crispier

    crispier Member

    i dunno
    on my bros R4 it showed save as being 64k so i tried that and still didnt work
    maybe it just doesnt work on supercard
  6. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    Have you tired upgrading the firmware of the supercard?
  7. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    I just used my cousins super card and i got it to work
    I used SupercardSD not the lite version
    Fimeware 1.7 with software 2.58
    In the software right click the rom and select properties
    and have the options as
    Saver Patch: "SD"
    Rom Position Patch "SD"
    Enable Restart: "yes"
    Enable Trim Rom: "yes"
    Play Faster Game "yes"
    Enable patch Catridge Access "yes"
    Compatibility "high"

    Also make sure to use safely remove hardware before you remove the SD as your last few files may me deleted.

    Link to download the firmware 1.7 and the software

    And to install the 1.7 firmware onto your SD card put the files into the SD card , boot up the DS like usual and choose "sd_170.bin" from the gamelist like you would for a game and it should launch the installer.
    I hope this helped.
  8. crispier

    crispier Member

    wow thanks so much ill try it right now