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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by flynnjagerbomb, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. flynnjagerbomb

    flynnjagerbomb New Member

    hey guys im having this weird problem with my supercard dstwo i just bought please help :( cant play games! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlXsDG3_ZIU
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Your video isn't informative enough, some details are still missing that needs clarification for others to deduce what possibly went wrong;

    1. NDS console in use? (NDS Fhat, NDS Lite, NDSi, NDSi XL, 3DS, 3DS XL, or 2DS)
    2. If it's an NDSi or 3DS; what is the firmware?
    3. Firmware/kernel version use in the SuperCard?
    4. If it's an NDSi or 3DS; did you recently update it's firmware?
    5. And (follow up of no.4); did you update the SuperCard before updating the NDSi/3DS?
    6. What troubleshooters have you tried doing? E.g. Back up SD files, format the SD card, and then return the SD files?
  3. flynnjagerbomb

    flynnjagerbomb New Member

    2. ver.7.2.0-17u
    3.the latest
    6. did the one that you described
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    You have extracted the NDS files from the RARs right?
  5. Linda1121

    Linda1121 Member

    Unzip the RAR and extract the files, put the files on the desktop first, then copy it from the desktop and paste it into TF card.
    It maybe work, you can have a try.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You know, I somehow don't think that could be the case. As if it is, wouldn't it be too trivial a case? And a .rar or .zip file don't normally will show up on screen (will it?) as it's an unsupported format. Unless it does shows up on a DSTWO ... looking at the video, the icons just shows "NDS console" image, which might support your (both of you) deduction. Shouldn't it shows the game's individual icons even for a DSTWO?

    Here's what I think probably happened (correct me if mistaken);

    The 3DS is running firmware v.7.2.0. The cartridge is supposedly running the latest EOS. But maybe (looking at respond no.5), he (you - in the case of OP) installed the EOS on an already v.7.2.0 3DS (as per purchased). I heard the DSTwo is able to still get the kernel installed but not properly even though it might seem so on a v.7.2.0 firmware. Base on this, I would suggest the OP to re-do installation procedure according to SuperCard DSTwo's guidance using an older NDS console such as the NDS Fhat or NDS Lite; if on NDSi it should be below v.1.4.3 firmware, while 3DS must be below v.4.3.0. For the installation to be completed successfully.

    Though I also have heard the DSTwo's website got an installation file that will enable it's cartridge kernel to be installed on a v.7.2.0 firmware for player who don't have access to older console, but with the risk of bricking (damaging the cartridge) it if not done successfully/correctly as it involves "not touching/messing with the 3DS for at least 5 minutes even though on screen it shows an error message".
  7. flynnjagerbomb

    flynnjagerbomb New Member

    hey man can you give me step by step instructions on what to do (i also own a ds phat)
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I have a guide on this somewhere in the Tutorial section.
  9. flynnjagerbomb

    flynnjagerbomb New Member

    link? im new here
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The official SuperCard DSTWO got it also in their website.