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super smash bros brawl

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by cccphackermaster, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. when super smash bros brawl came out it wasnt wat i expected in my imagination i thought it would be huge awsome and fantastic but when i played it . it was way to easy . you know nintrendo really needs people
    who have a huge imagination and ideas new ideas seriously....
  2. Light_Of_Darkness

    Light_Of_Darkness Well-Known Member

    ................................way too easy for you?
    play with a handicap.
    smash bros wasnt made to be played as is, ur supposed to customize it to ur liking. thatgs why they have more rules -.-
    oh and u say nintendo needs a huge imagination? well then, what do u have for a game? and did u even see E3?
  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    to be honest, i also was underwhelmed by SSB ever since i played SSB Melee (which was supposed to be the best SSB so far). I dunno, it just feels too slow compared to JUS.

    The upside is that i get to see my man Ness kick the holy hell out of Yoshi, but that's it. The confusion is more likely caused by you being unable to follow your character because the camera's too far away and the colors are somewhat camouflaging your character, rather than the game being too frantic.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    yoshi is the worst character in the whole game.

    the ness clone is pretty cool.