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Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier: Those Weird Statues??

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Armed, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Armed

    Armed Well-Known Member

    There's a couple of weird statues on the Kagura Amahara's world map and we can fight it like a mini-boss or something, is it okay for us to fight and beat it? I mean, it's like statues for worshiping some guardian deities or something. Yet, it's not that hard to beat it either. What's make me a bit suspicious is that you'll get only some unimportant item after beating it (Energy Drink, etc.) and I'm used with those games that "if you fought some pretty strong mini-boss in a game yet it only give you something unworthy after it, there's gotta be something about that!" Have tried to find a guide on the net, but a guide only listed a statue (while I found 2 so far) and the rest didn't even bother mentioning if there's any statue or not. Have anyone tried to ignore it till some time in the game before fighting it at last? Maybe they give better items or they're gone after what chapter or something?
  2. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, those are just your regular strong trap enemies. I never really thought that they were mini-bosses when I fought them. (Then again, I powerleveled before reaching that stage) Hope this helps.
  3. Armed

    Armed Well-Known Member

    Hmm, is that so? There are things socalled trap enemies in the world of Super Robot Taisen, huh? It's my first time playing the series so don't know much. ^^a Okay, then it looks like I have to wait until New Game+ to experiment on those things, I'll just smash them now. ^^b Thanks.
    Post Merge: [time]1318866328[/time]
    I've found the usage of the statues! ^^

    There are two statues in the world map of Kagura Amahara which contains a secret.

    One is directly east of Kagura Amahara's castle (Kaguya's home). You'll find pink trees (sakuras) scattered in the eastern part of the world map. The area beyond it seems inaccessible, but it's not. You can easily walk through the small sakura trees, eventho you can't walk over the big ones. But just keep walking all the way to the eastern corner and you should found a grey thing sticking out. That's the first statue. Push A in front of it and there will be an option to Shoot, Ring or Leave. Choose Ring and you'll get a Daifuku.

    The other statue is directly north of Megi Castle. Just circle up and all the way east to find another grey thing. Our second statue. Again, push A in front of it and from the options of Destroy, Pray and Leave, choose Pray. You'll get a Mochi.

    You can get these two items once a day (24 hours real-life time). So after you collect them, wait until tomorrow and you should be able to collect it again, and then the day after, and so on.

    If you choose to Shoot the first statue or Destroy the second statue, you'll fought a pretty strong enemy and get an Energy Drink after each battle and the statues will be gone permanently afterward. I think it isn't worth it compared with the unlimited Mochi and Daifuku, but it's your choice.

    Keep it in the spoiler incase someone didn't want their fun ruined. ^^v