Everytime I attempt to download it (which is about 6 times) it freezes my computer. Please fix the file or delete is so that this doesn't happen to anybody else.
That is your pc I believe if it's freezing the whole thing...or do you mean the download is stopping? Download manager helps. "Free download manager" is a good one.
Yes...trust me... it is. I have downloaded a game since then & it worked perfectly. I have also downloaded from here many times before. Post Merge: [time]1258980061[/time] It freezes the entire PC. It is the only file that I have encountered that has done this.... hell it even froze a download manager.
I'm guessing it's your pc-if it was a virus it would have worked after you had the entire file. What is your OS? System specs? And does it have alot of junk on it?
Trust me I have no virus. I have rootkit defense, Avira Pro & Malwarebytes. Vista Ultimate Not quite sure Not at all.... I have a tool that automatically deletes junk files. I have downloaded gamecube games from this site before & they have worked.... this one however does not. I am not trying to sound like an ass here... I am just trying to report a broken file. If it was my pc the various other fileswouldn't have worked. It doesn't freeze during the download (Unless I am using a download manager) it freezes during the extraction (Win.RAR).
..tried a virus scan? And how much space is left on your pc exactly? Mine is starting to do that...too much junk-but managed to get every file on my vista laptop. (Anyone want to confirm this-I have no download power left nor the want to try)
Sorry but this is bollocks. I currently only have 15 GB left on my OS drive and that's not causing any problems at all. I shall download this game just to prove that the file is fine and not going to freeze your computer. Download will take 10 minutes, though.