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Suis vs. Soul Silver - Nuzlocke Style

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Suiseiseki, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Alright. If you've been around for a while, or if you know me, you may also know that I'm a pretty heavy Pokemon fan as well as a long-time competitive battler. I've already played through Soul Silver (J) and am halfway through the english Heart Gold. So, you may wonder, what's the purpose of this, if there's nothing new?

    I was recently made aware of a set of rules for a playthrough of HG/SS known as the Nuzlocke Challenge. They make the game a whole lot harder, and a whole lot more interesting. These are the rules I am playing with for this challenge:

    1. Whenever a Pokemon is knocked out (or reduced to 1HP via poison) it is considered dead and must be released.
    2. You may ONLY catch the first Pokemon in each new route.
    3. No healing items outside of battle.
    4. SET battle style (no switching as the opponent switches).
    5. Must give a meaningful nickname to every Pokemon caught/obtained.
    6. DIVERSITY CLAUSE - If you see a double/duplicate that you already have, you may try again, because this will make a diverse team. However, if after trying a second time, you get the same pokemon, you're stuck with it.

    Game is over if I run out of Pokemon, but I don't intend to run out soon. I will update this first post with the details of my run, almost as a diary of sorts, and will also be posting observations I've made about my time with my Pokemon. By all means, ask questions and make suggestions. Apart from this, I have more than ten years of Pokemon experience under my belt. I'd also prefer it if only Dino, Cloudboii and/or Paralys logged their own Nuzlocke challenges in this thread - I've allowed them to do so in IRC. Everyone else can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

    Trainer's Log:
    - Started as Suis
    - Obtained L5 Cyndaquil (Pybro)
    - Captured L3 Sentret on Route 29 (Foxdie)
    - Captured L3 Pidgey on Route 30 (Mal)
    - Captured L5 Kakuna on Route 31 (Drillbit)
    - Pybro evolves into Quilava
    - Caught L4 Rattata in Sprout Tower (Teef)
    - Defeated Falkner and obtained the Zephyr Badge!
    - Caught L5 Unown in Ruins of Alph (Jay)
    - Egg hatched into Togepi (Dave)
    - Mal evolves into Pidgeotto - yay!
    - Caught L6 Geodude in Union Cave (Rock Astley)
    - Caught Zubat in Slowpoke Well (BATMAN!)
    - Caught Hoppip on Route 33 (Hoppy)
    - Defeated Bugsy and obtained the Hive Badge!
    - Caught Paras in Ilex Forest (TripnBalls)
    - Caught Drowzee on Route 35 (Herpderp)
    - Caught Venonat in National Park (Venobro)
    - Lost Drillbit in battle with Whitney's Miltank. RIP.
    - Defeated Whitney and obtained Plain Badge!
    - Received Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City (Summer)
    - Caught Dunsparce (FUCK YEAH) in Dark Cave (Umad?)
    - Caught Spearow in Azalea Town (Spearbro)
    - BATMAN! evolved into Golbat!
    - Defeated Morty and obtained the Fog Badge!
    - Pybro evolved into Typhlosion!
    - Caught Magnemite on Route 38 (Magnus)
    - Caught Krabby in Olivine City (Krabmaster)
    - Caught Girafarig on Route 43 (Immahorse)
    - BATMAN!! evolved into Crobat!
    - Caught Tentacool on Route 40 (Alessio)
    - Lost Krabmaster to Chuck's Poliwrath. RIP.
    - Defeated Chuck and obtained Storm Badge!
    - Defeated Jasmine and obtained Mineral Badge!
    - Caught Poliwag in Ecruteak City (Spirals)
    - ??? evolved into ??? (spoilers =O)
    - Magnus evolved into Magneton!
    - Caught Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage (Hydra)
    - Defeated Team Rocket in Mahogany Town
    - Defeated Pryce and obtained the Glacier Badge!
    - Defeated Team Rocket at the Radio Tower
    - Lost Alessio to a Delibird. RIP.
    - Caught Delibird in Ice Path (Frosty)
    - Caught Skarmory on Route 45 (Ironhide)
    - Defeated Clair, did the Dragon User's Challenge and obtained the Rising Badge!
    - Caught Bellsprout on Route 44 (Sprouts)
    - Lost Magnus to Lugia. RIP, bro. I'll miss you.
    - Caught Lugia in Whirl Islands (Arc)
    - Caught Arbok on Route 27 (CobraCmndr)
    - Caught Doduo on Route 26 (Trifecta)
    - Defeated Elite Four Will!
    - Defeated Elite Four Koga!
    - Defeated Elite Four Bruno!
    - Defeated Elite Four Karen!
    - Lost Arc to Lance's Charizard. RIP bro.
    - Defeated Champion Lance!
    - Arrived in Kanto
    - Defeated Erika and obtained Rainbow Badge!
    - Caught Grimer on Route 16 (Dungpile)
    - Defeated Janine and obtained Soul Badge!
    - Caught Murkrow on Route 7 (LikeABoss)
    - Caught Dratini in Dragon's Den (Indalecio)
    - Indalecio evolved into Dragonair!
    - Indalecio evolved into Dragonite!
    - Defeated Misty and obtained Cascade Badge!
    - Defeated Lt Surge and obtained Thunder Badge!
    - Caught Snorlax in Vermillion City (Hyde)
    - Caught Nidorino on Route 15 (DynmcEntry)
    - Defeated Brock and obtained Boulder Badge!
    - Defeated Blaine and obtained Volcano Badge!
    - Defeated Sabrina and obtained Marsh Badge!
    - Defeated Blue and obtained Earth Badge!
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    good luck
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wow-Looks like I wouldn't 5 mins with this rule set...just the nicknames alone I'd loose on :(

    (Fire-red-water-blue and once I go thru all the colours I'm stuffed :( )
  4. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    That must be hard.

    Same here.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I would imagine that you would put some exp stipulation on there, like trainer battles only, or minimal trainer battles, no grinding, something like that since anyone with thumbs can grind 20 levels higher, learn substitute to avoid status and recover off the damage with the Shell Bell you get really early in the game.
    I did a SS run with only trainer battles (no rechallenging, and a few wild encounters I couldn't run from) and that was hard enough since every pokemon was 5-10-15 levels behind.

    DAMN YOU GUYS! Looks like I'm gonna start one too.
    Started as Obi-wan.
    Obtained L5 Totodile, CRIKEY. (New Bark Town)
    No encounters to Cherrygrove.
    Rival name: Anakin.
    Caught L3 Hoothoot, HOOTERS. (Route 29)
    Ended just north of Cherrygrove, CRIKEY L8, HOOTERS L4.
    Caught L4 Rattata, MR.JINGLES (Route 31)
    Caught L2 Zubat, BATTER UP (Dark Cave)
    Caught L6 Mareep, FLUFFY
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'm not putting an exp stipulation on there, simply because it would be a legitimate way to play, and also because I've never been a fan of grind. I'd also be working with (in my opinion) a sub-standard team anyway, making it all the harder. Face it, I am not going to get through the E4 underlevelled and without any revives. I'm going to find it hard enough to beat Claire. So for the most part I'm going to be playing this like I normally would - training without grind.
  7. Paralys

    Paralys Member

    Gentlemen. I shall participate in this challenge of Nuzlocke. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
    Heart Gold
    -Started as Jessie
    -Obtained L5 Chikorita (Twigz)
  8. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I shall also participate!
    ^ That pokayman is BEAST. Goal is to get him. RAIKOUUUUU <3 And he's not a Legendary, either :)
    Using Dogs Clause - regardless of whether I have caught a Pokemon, I can capture Suicune, Entai or Raikou anywhere.
    Using Trade Clause - trades are permitted, as long as the traded Pokemon has/have a level at LEAST 10% lower than your weakest in-party Pokemon. One Pokemon trade per Pokecentre.
    Using a movement speed cheat - Does not affect gameplay, except I run faster. Same encounter rate.

    Playing Pokemon SoulSilver. Will be naming my first six Pokemon after Linkin Park members. After that, I have no clue :/
    All times are (UTC+10:00)

    Captured Pokemon Area Reference Guide;
    Prof Elm: [L5] Totodile; [L33] Croconaw [Chester]
    Route 29: [L2] Sentret [Phoenix]
    Route 30: [L4] Hoothoot [Mike]
    Route 31: [L3] Bellsprout [Joseph]
    Dark Cave:
    Sprout Tower: [L4] Rattata [Bradley]
    Ruins of Alpha [L5] Unown G [George :3]
    Route 32: [L6] Mareep [Blitzen]
    Union Cave: [L6] Onix [Shaineh]
    Route 33: [L5] Spearow [Snebbers]
    Slowpoke Well: [L6] Slowpoke [Alicia]
    Ilex Forest:
    Route 34:
    Route 35:
    National Park:
    Route 36:
    Route 37:
    Route 38:
    Route 39:
    Route 40:
    Route 41:
    Route 42:
    Mt. Mortar:
    Route 43:
    Lake of Rage:
    Ice Path:
    Route 44:
    Route 45:
    Route 46: [L3] Geodude [Robert] ~ Deceased
    Route 47:
    Pokemon Name Reference Guide;
    Totodile; Croconaw: Chester ~ After Chester Bennington, Lead Vocalist of Linkin Park
    Sentret: Phoenix ~ After David Phoenix Farrel, Bassist of Linkin Park
    Geodude: Robert ~ After Robert Bourdon, Drummer of Linkin Park
    Hoothoot: Mike ~ After Mike Shinoda, Emcee of Linkin Park
    Bellsprout: Joseph ~ After Joseph Hahn, Turntablist of Linkin Park
    Rattata: Bradley ~ After Bradley Delson, Lead Guitarist of Linkin Park
    Unown: George :3
    Mareep; Flaafy: Blitzen - After Suiseiseki, because his IRC name is Blitzen, and he's a New Zealander :3
    Togepi: Seph
    Onix: Shaineh
    Spearow: Snebbers
    Slowpoke: Alicia
    Tuesday, March 30th
    11:58am: Loaded SoulSilver.
    11:59pm: Started game as AshMan.
    Wednesday, March 31th
    12:03am: Obtained Trainer Card, Bag, Save and Options menus.
    12:04am: Needed to pee, searched through fridge; returned at 12:09am.
    12:11am: Obtained Level 5 Totodile [Chester]
    12:23am: Got 5 potions from Professor's Aide.
    12:24am: Took a break from playing.
    01:45am: Resumed play.
    02:04am: Received Running Shoes and Mapcard.
    02:12am: Stopped playing, outside Apircorn Guy's House.
    01:40pm: Resumed play, entered Mr Pokemon's house.
    01:42pm: Received Pokedex
    02:42pm: After rigorous training, L3 Geodude [Rob]... but game froze. Continued from last save point; Chester downgraded from L17 to L14 T_T
    03:30pm: [Route 29] Caught L2 Sentret [Phoenix]
    03:35pm: Stopped L18 Chester from evolving. Probably won't let him become a Croconaw until about level 23.
    03:47pm: [Route 46] Caught L3 Geodude [Robert], holding Everstone.
    Play resumes! Huzzah!
    Wednesday, April 7th
    06:41pm: My first casualty, Robert the Geodude, has been taken out. Rest in Peace, Rob! Phoenix took over and avenged him.
    06:46pm: [Route 30] Captured L4 Hoothoot [Mike]
    For the record, having a Sentret following you around is the CUTEST thing ever ^_^
    10:02pm: Stopped L15 Phoenix from evolving. Will probably evolve at L21~22.
    11:24pm: Prevented L20 Mike from evolving into a Noctowl! Methinks he shall be allowed the right to evolve at level 26. Too late? Probably.
    Thursday, April 8th - Blitzen makes an appearance here :) As does Seph :D
    12:31am: Stopped L23 Chester the Totodile from evolving once again. Not exactly sure when I'll let him evolve, regardless of how stupid this move is. I think I'll let him evolve at L30. I really don't like Croconaw :/
    Grinding fucking DRAINS MY LIFE.
    01:27am: Turns out, not evolving my Totodile was a great idea. L29 Chester learnt Slash, and I'm sure it would've been closer to L40 if I had let evolution take place.
    01:53am: Accidentally stopped Chester and Phoenix from evolving, at levels 32 and 22, respectively.
    02:03am: [Route 31] Caught L3 Bellsprout [Joseph]
    02:24am: L32 Chester the Totodile -> L33 Chester the Croconaw.
    01:38pm: Enslaved L4 Rattata [Bradley] at Sprout Tower
    03:34pm: Cancelled Chester's Evolution into a Feraligtr at L34. I'm skeptical about letting my Croconaw evolve before level 50. From what I gather, Pokemon learn moves faster when not evolved, but gain stats at an accelerated rate when at a higher evolution. It seems that level fifty would be the adequate time to evolve Chester, but, depending on the circumstances of my journey, I may evolve him earlier or later than I expected.
    I've spent many hours of my time with grinding. Only once have I had a Pokemon this level or higher, this early in the gane - an d that was back in the days of Pokemon Crystal - my level 43 Cyndaquil. I actually had not levelled up any of my other Pokemon in that game (from what I remember, Pidgey, Rattata, Bellsprout, Sentret and Weedle. There was probably a Geodude in there as well, but I'm not one hundred percent sure). There'll be an update on my Pokemon levels as soon as I defeat this Elder. Probably an easy battle, I don't remember him having anything higher than level 10.
    05:00pm: Defeated the Elder, denied Joseph and Phoenix evolution, once more. at levels 22 and 30, respectively.
    Here's the update, as promised.
    Chester: Croconaw; Level 34
    Phoenix: Sentret; Level 30
    Bradley: Rattata; Level 14
    Mike: Hoothoot; Level 24
    Joseph: Bellsprout; Level 22
    06:08pm: [Ruins of Alpha] Caught L5 Unown G [George :3] - Ironic, ain't it xD
    07:30pm: [Route 32] Captured L6 Mareep [Blitzen] xD And she's a female Mareep, too :)
    11:05pm: Hatched my egg and got a (surprise, surprise) L1 Togepi, and named it Seph. lulz.
    Sunday, April 11th
    05:35am: Accidentally caught a L6(?) Zubat [Meni] in route 32, had forgotten the Mareep I had caught earlier. Will release it at the next Pokecenter
    Thursday, April 15th
    05:38am: FUCK YEAH A TRAINER I CAN USE AN ANTIDOTE ON BLITZEN FUCK YEAH IT'LL BE AL- bawwwww, how cute are the slowpokes in this game? ^_^ this trainer has one xD
    6:35am: HOLY FUCK TODAY MUST BE MY LUCKY DAY - I just caught a fucking SHINY SPEAROW at level 6, on route 33. FUCK YEAH. It's no Pidgey, but who gives a fuck. Nicknamed it Snebbers
    07:03am: HOLY CHRIST! You'll never guess what I just caught in Slowpoke Well! A SLOWPOKE! [L6] [Alicia]
    Friday, April 16th - BLITZEN EVOLVED :O
    01:57am: At Lv.25, Blitzen evolved from a Mareep to a Flaafy, accidentally :/

    The Comics
    Episode One; Choosing Your Pokemon
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'm finding myself getting rather attached to my Pidgey. I have high hopes for Mal. Only three more levels til he evolves.

    Legendaries are likely to be permitted, but only if you do not run into any wild Pokemon on that route/cave/tower. Best buy a lot of Repels, boys.
  10. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Suis, explain the "Double Clause" please :)
    The way you described it kinda confused me T_T
    From what I gather, it's basically "you can catch the same Pokemon in another area, as long as it's the first Pokemon seen in said area." Right?
    Also, how did you get your pidgey?
    "- Captured L3 Pidgey on Route 30 (Mal)"
    You can't catch a Pokemon if you've already been in that route :/
    Official Nuzlocke rules say;
    -If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
    -This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before you could catch pokemon. So no route 1, you were there before you had pokeballs.
    Unless we're ignoring that rule?
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    -If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
    -Treat pokeballs as rare artifacts; at no point can you buy them from stores. You can only use ones you find in the wild or are awarded.
    -You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
    -You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.

    Can we add these rules?

    TOTODILE - "K-Rock"
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Rules 1 and 3 are already in effect. I will use rule 4, but not rule 2. You're welcome to, though.

    The original rule from Nuzlocke's comics was open to interpretation. I've also seen it interpreted in the Diversity Clause, which is how I'm choosing to interpret it - if I run into another Pidgey along the way, I'm not obligated to capture it, and the second pokemon, whatever it is, is the one I'm allowed to capture.
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    30 minutes in - Owlface has joined the team, pretty obvious what it is.

    I have a bad habit of only playing this game at night
  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

  15. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I've not attempted this since the days of ruby and saphire. Might try it with SS once I finish my current playthrough.

    Good luck to those involved.
  16. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    50 Minutes in - Sprouts, the Bellsprout joins the team, and will make a decent addition to the grass types of my team
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    My team has taken its first casualty. Drillbit the Kakuna died to Whitney's Miltank, buying time for Pybro to be healed. Vengeance has been taken at the hands of my Quilava. The Plain Badge has been earned, but at what cost?

    Drillbit will be succeeded on my team with Venobro the Venonat. I head now for Route 36, and Sudowoodo.
  18. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Just reading the rules made me afraid to attempt this... I think I might be able to though...
  19. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I shall bump this, in case anyone else would like to see.
    Is there a way we can get this stickied?
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Maybe if I was doing it as a comic. Which I probably will.

    Also BATMAN! evolved. He is now known as BATMAN!!.