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Suggestions & Reasons and some Solutions of ADGS...

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ADGS231, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    Hello people like you see i am here for some Suggestiongs, i am actually get in with the suggestion first and then i talk much about it =D i hope you like mi suggestions.

    Suggestions and Reasons:

    Suggestion # 1:

    - Chat or Minichat for the web that contain category in the chat. You can add friends in the chat so you can finally play online games with thems or other things that maybe can be online or just talk for fun. Category that maybe be for User that play online, just talk for fun. You can put a help toolbar in the chat that can give you some helps like guide of the chat, forum and the page of romulation. You cant spam in the Minichat or Chat, you onlie can put 2 messeages like spam (1 Up and 1 Down) (I have a 10% that you gonna put a chat, i have some reasones)

    Reason # 1:

    - They not gonna post to much in the forum, just images or programs and tournaments or events.

    - They are gonna be more in the chat that in the forum.

    Suggestion # 2:

    - You can put a radio in romulation, in the page and at the forum, you will need some djs to put the music but is gonna be fun to have a radio. In the radio you can say things of the web like news, event or somenthing just members of the web not user, members of the web can say information about romulation in the radio, you can put any type of music, you cant put some audio of talking, people cant get out of control and then they cant read great or to much better. (I have 20% that they gonna put this)

    Reason # 2:

    - Users or Members cant read great because the music are annoy for some people. (We have a solution, turn of the radio and that it ^_^)

    Suggestion # 3:

    - You can put a "TOP TEN" at the forum and show it in the site of ROMULATION. This contain the 10 best users or member that have the most post in the forum. (I have 30% that they gonna put this because it maybe be a problem of spamin in the forum)

    Reason # 3:

    - They are gonna spam all the forum so they can be in the Top Ten.

    Suggestion # 4:

    - That they can add videos to the topics and post, so they can have fun with some videos and see there battle of online or somenthing, like the pokemon battles, they can put there videos, you can create a category of videos so the user put there videos. They cant put videos with content of adults. (I have a 10% that they gonna put this because some people dont read rules and they can put some videos of adult content) (I Wish they put this tool so i can put some fun videos)

    Reason # 4:

    - They are gonna put videos with Adult Content

    Suggestion # 5:

    - Put some minigames at the page so people can be entertaining when they are downloading a file or just for fun. (I Have a 75% that they gonna put this so people can get fun or play it when they are downloading somenthign)

    Reason # 5:

    - I think they are not gonna put this one because downloading and playing the download can get wrong or slowly. But they can make it for some fun entertainment.

    I will add some Suggestion & Reason and some Solutions when i get more thinking of my head, but now i just have this.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we have a radio already, its called musiclab.

    We arent interested in having chat on the site, thats what irc is for.

    We're not putting flash games on the site.

    We considered gameplay videos, but decided it wasnt worth the effort to implement.

    a top ten posters list would be useless, but if you really want one look on the forum statistics page.
  3. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    You dont have a top ten most user post. I check the stat and i dont see nothing, i mean a Top Ten of the Most user that post in this forum.
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    On the very bottom there is a "Forum Stats" and there is a link called "More Stats"

    There you go :)
  5. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    Now thanks :D , will i will think more so i can put more suggestion and help romulation.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    A top 10 wouldn't help-the spam sections counts don't really help in post count...

    But I suppose if it were for users who helped the site in many ways (ie reporting problems, user or files, etc) it could work, but it's not needed...

    If it were to acknowledge the best assest to the site it would be a great idea-it would point people to those who can help you if your in a jam-but that's the role of the mods XD thus ruleing that out.

    Funny enough, when I first joined, I thought of the exact same suggestions lol.
  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Same here.