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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by synonymous, May 26, 2007.

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  1. synonymous

    synonymous New Member

    remove the whole "you have to have an account to download" thing, and get rid of the points system, this place is starting to turn into dgemu, which is a very bad thing. (dgemu sucks)
  2. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    im actually ok with the point system and the need for the account. The point system im ok with because if there is no point system the bandwidth of the server would just overload and this place will just become nds-roms -_- and as for the need of the accounts it reduces the amount of people who just come and go.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    synonymous we really wish we could, but with popularity comes certain limits.
    The account system is there to first of all encourage giving something in return to the site, by posting comments on games, on the forum or even uploading screenshots. Secondly it's here to prevent users from abusing the site, we had users downloading more than 15 GB worth of ROMs in a matter of days. That will can be prevented now so every user will get decent speeds.

    The point system is a "just in case", the PSX and PSP are limited now cause they're big, if we didn't limit them usage would be insane and we'd die immediatly. I take it you'd rather want a fast-updating and decent speeds yet somewhat limited site than no site at all?

    Also, just out of curiosity, how much do you think it costs to run this site? Assuming the time we spent on coding it and updating it isn't worth a penny.
  4. goddet

    goddet Member

    i am not sure whether there is something wrong with my computer or the internet. The search engine did not work for me today...
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    search engine works fine.
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