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Suggestion: New ways to earn points for all members.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jynxxander, May 23, 2009.

  1. jynxxander

    jynxxander New Member

    It would be nice if there were new ways for Non-premium members to earn points.
    Waiting a day for 50 pts takes longer than most people like, and adding screenshots is almost not possible (most games already have the maximum 4 screenshots.)

    I propose that they be a new way to earn points.
    Some new ways might include:

    Finding new Roms to upload. [Maybe 50 pts/High quality rom]
    Answering questions/posting in the forum. [1-5 pts?]
    Writing reviews for games. [1-5 pts?]
    Writing a description/adding information about a game. [10 pts?]

    This new feature would help provide a better quality service while enabling users to earn more points.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually very few of our games have screenshots.

    we have all current NDS roms and we can get them faster than anyone else when they are released. We do not have time to check user uploads. Not happening.

    We will never give points for posting, it would encourage spam.

    These are possibilities that we are investigating.
  3. jynxxander

    jynxxander New Member

    Fair enough.
    Thank you for your time.
  4. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    In all fairness, non-premium members really shouldn't worry about getting extra points since these amazing services are completely free in the first place. A small donation or upgrade to your account is the least you could do for Romulation (not you in particular jynxxander, users in general including myself).

    $30 donation and all the games you could ask for oppose to $30 to buy a game that sucks without knowing, lolwut?

    No comparison; I believe that if you really use Romulation enough to where you need the extra points, a small donation for more or an upgrade is completely fair :]
  5. jynxxander

    jynxxander New Member

    Ya know what? I agree.
  6. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    That's cool dude ^_^ and you know what after bringing this to my attention once more I believe I will be upgrading soon as I'm finding myself using the site a lot more.
  7. jynxxander

    jynxxander New Member

    But just so ya know, I posted this a while ago and since then, I have started acquiring NDS Roms (Most of which don't take up any points.) because I got a DSTT cart.

    My original post was more directly aimed at PSX games...
  8. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I support the idea of giving points for reviews, but don't ya think it should be worth more points than just writing some info about the game?
  9. AbstractChaos666

    AbstractChaos666 Well-Known Member

    I understand, I was just giving my thoughts in general.

    And if anything, Rysio that would be fair...in-depth, semi-professional reviews, perhaps including links to videos or something of that relative nature.