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Stupid Castlevania:OoE

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by mangekyo, May 5, 2009.

  1. mangekyo

    mangekyo Active Member

    Just beat the game.Here's some tip to defeat the Dracula.I beat him at lvl 25 with a single use of POTION.Originally,he has 3 phases of attacks.
    Phase 1:Magical attack with instantaneous movement (IM).His magical attack consist of 40-50 horizontal fireballs,4 volcanic balls,and 4 green-like sword descent from the roof.To fight in this phase,set up your glyph into Vol Luminatio,Acerbatus,and Fides Fio.At the start of the battle,cast Fides Fio.When he appear,attack him with your glyph at his head.You should be able to attack him at least 2 times before he disappear again.When he cast his fireballs,cast Acerbatus to get rid half of the fireballs,another half can just be dodged by double-jumping.For volcanic balls,single jump for first ball and the moment you touch the ground quickly double-jump to avoid another 3 balls.For the green-like swords,just stay as closest as possible to him after he cast the spell.Do not use Volaticus as he will burn you with his purple flame.Do not jump to pass him thinking to attack him from behind as he will use his mantle to bring you down.After a while,he will enter 2nd phase.Phase 2:physical attack with IM.His attack consist of Dark Crescent Moon Kick,Million of wave-ride bats,6 red bloody wolves,6 purple-like sword descent 1-by-1 from the roof and blood sucking that can restore his health and damage you at the same time.For this phase,you need 2 sets of glyph.Set A:Vol Luminatio,Melio Falcis,and Fortis Fio.Set B:Vol Luminatio 2X,and fortis Fio.Noted that,he always use his IM to move to the centre of the room before he releases either his bats,wolves or both.When you see him using IM,no matter what you should position Shanoa at the third skeleton statue which is the closest to the stairs that lead to the Dracula's throne.Well,i'm talking about the background.You should notice that the background consist of 6 skeleton statues with stairs at the centre.Position Shanoa at the smallest statue and make sure to sit.DO NOT stand or you'll suffer a great amount of damage.Use glyph set B.When he release his wolves,continuously use Vol Luminatio.You should be able to get rid each wolf with each blow.Do not run from your position if you get hit from the wolves because you might caught up in a series of attack from his bats.Unless he didn't release his bats at the same time,you are free to avoid the wolves.Taking damage from the wolves is better that the bats.Just use the potions if necessary.As for another 3 attacks,you should just be careful and time yourself properly to avoid getting hit.No trick at all.If you do it right,you might not get any injuries at all.To attack him,use Union Glyph from glyph set A.Use heart restore if you are running out of hearts.After a while he'll enter 3rd phase.Phase 3:Kamikaze.OMG,his going to release his dark energy which has no end (in case you are using Volaticus to runaway).Nevertheless,set your glyph into Dominus Set.Just go to him and cast Union Glyph.Don't worry,even though you have zero hearts the Union still trigger.That's it.Good Bye Dracula.See you again ;D