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stupid articles in the news

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by z3311z, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    let me start off

    Bono writes a song for the Spice Girls
    Posted by Emmett @ 2:57 am on October 2, 2007

    U2 singer, Bono, has furthered his quest to fix all of the world’s hopeless disasters by writing a song for the Spice Girls. If the Ipod commercials, swanky leather jackets, and the general level pretentiousness were not enough to convince you that the man that brought us The Joshua Tree no longer exists then this will put the final nail in that coffin. The Mirror is reporting that the Spice Girls had been feeling “unease as to how the [upcoming Spice Girls] album will perform” and successfully convinced Bono to write them a song. The one kernel of good news here is that the song will not be out until November 5th at the earliest, the tentative release date of the Spice Girls’ greatest hit album. If Bono has already penned the track and it is definitely going to come out I guess the only real question left is how long, how long must they sing this song?

    ref: http://www.wbru.com/index.php/2007/10/02/bono-writes-a-song-for-the-spice-girls/#more-397
  2. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    There's an infinite amount of stupid articles in the National Enquirer.
  3. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    yes yes yes we know
    if was batboy real?
    he would definatly be a terror
    but think of Bono (who WAS cool) and scary spice?......damn my friend! if him and posh mated?