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Stuff Coming Up

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Seph, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Alright this is the thread where I'll keep a list of features we're planning on introduce. I'd appreciate some feedback on the features, like "sounds like a good idea because ..." or "I don't think this will be nessesary because ..."

    It's divided into two sections, the one being those for the near future, the other being features still on the drawing board.


    - Improved News - In the hopes to improve amount of comments on the site we'll be introducing an improved news system soon. It will feature improved posting, anti spam protection, comment rating and burying (never more see stupid comments) with a personalised setting on how low rated a comment can be before it's hidden (with the option to show it of course)
    - More screenshots - Screenshots will be available for more systems, such as N64, GBX, SNES etc, this will open up literaly endless possibilities of points for those who want to help the site. (Will have to figure out a screen size)


    - Premium Member Center - We're not too sure exactly what we want to use this to except as a center for every premium feature.
    - Download Basket (Premium Members Only) - This feature is a bit hard to explain but I'll do my best, basically you'll have an option of adding a download to a basket, and once you've added enough files, (untill you're satisfied or it reaches a certain size) you can have it zipped up and placed in your premium member center where you can download it as much as you like for up to 48 hours and send it to your friends. (provided they are also premium members)

    Got a suggestion? Don't be afraid to voice it, a good suggestion gives karma, an implemented suggestions gives more karma. ;D
  2. Patton

    Patton Guest

    That is sweet, can't wait ;D
  3. RemzRoller

    RemzRoller Member

    Nice Seph =D more screeny's are what Im waiting for :p
  4. Lancaster

    Lancaster Well-Known Member

    I can help with screenshots when I get the time. I've been extremely busy lately.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    would be nice, and they pay 5 points per screeny. ;D
    make sure it's actual gameplay though, and no watermarks from other sites.
  6. 33333

    33333 Guest

    just curious... if this wasn't mentioned b4..
    u guyz ever taught about introducin the smf arcade?

    could be fun for all you pro gamers who love to show off yr skills :D
  7. robincb

    robincb Member

    Maybe you could make it so that the longer you are a member, the faster you get points. You could do the same for amount of points, and contribution (like screenies or other services)
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that would not be fair, as we are trying to encourage participation. Most of our members never post on the forum, and we are not keen on giving them extra points for nothing. We would far rather give extra points to active members than people who just download stuff and never say thanks or participate in the community.
  9. RedMageMoogle

    RedMageMoogle Member

    Perhaps you could interpret a system that boosts point gain based on your karma. It would likely encourage people to be active here.

    Unless I'm wrong...
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That is, in fact, in the makings, I've just got to get off my ass and get it done.
  11. RedMageMoogle

    RedMageMoogle Member

    Lazy. :D
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Mmm, I've just got other projects in the making too, legal ones so I tend to spend more time on those as I can actually promote and probably make a profit from those.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    But yes, you are correct :p
  14. Dreamer

    Dreamer Active Member

    ooh screenies.. i should go back to VBA, SNES9X and Nestopia and bust out my 300+ roms
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Wow totally forgot about this post, the improved news was thought of dropped as no one comments much anyway. :p

    rest is still being worked on though.
  16. Elru

    Elru Well-Known Member

    It would be pretty cool if you added a point scale based on conent for reviews instead of the 2 points per review flat rate. I think this would encourage more people to write reviews other than myself by offering them a little incentive. 8)
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I see your point, but could be difficult to impliment, without encouraging mindless spam
  18. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    digg it?
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You can't digg is just yet, later today though. :)
  20. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    lol..way to go seph.....j/k ;D