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Steam Sales

Discussion in 'PC' started by shredc0re, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. shredc0re

    shredc0re Guest

    I haven't really seen alot of talking about this, so I thought let's make a topic about it.

    Did anyone here take some profit from the sales? If so, which games did you buy?
    Did you get any gifts from friends? Or have you given gifts yourself?
    How many of the great gift pile achievements have you done and what have they earned you?

    I personally didn't buy any game yet because I'm saving money, but I did do 12 of the achievements so far and I get coal all the time :)
    I also have 3 coupons (-25% Valve games, -33% Paradox games, -25% 2K games) which can be used from the 2nd of January. But I'm not planning on using them so if anyone is interested in trading them for coal or a game or whatever, you can always contact me!
  2. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    I got Rock of the Ages and the Sherlock Holmes games. I made quite a saving~♪
  3. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Bully: Scholarship Edition
    Fable: Lost Chapters
    Breath of Death VII
    Cthulhu Saves the World

    Got a 50% Valve voucher.
    I'll trade my coal with you. Steam User is ftoc_devon.
  4. shredc0re

    shredc0re Guest

    I added you on steam just now, I'll trade it as soon as possible :)
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should have mentioned I only have 1 coal? Oh well.
  6. shredc0re

    shredc0re Guest

    Haha, you can get one coupon for that then.

    I wish I had money to buy Audiosurf c:
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I have a copy of Audiosurf in my gift box, not redeemed yet.
  8. shredc0re

    shredc0re Guest

    Ohh my, are you interested ina coupon? lol