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Starfox Adventures HELP!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by POTS99, Jan 2, 2010.

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  1. POTS99

    POTS99 New Member

    I basically can't get the game to work on dolphin I believe its the .gcm format thats screwing it over when I try and run the game it just shows the nintendo logo and then thats it and when I try and close it just goes unresponsive and I have to force quit FFFFFFFFFFFFF-. anyways I just want it to run any ideas?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Did you check the compatibility list on the dolphin web site?

    My copy of night fire does a simerlar issues, once the first cutscene plays it has the same issue.

    Lucky I have a gamecube that can read copied games, works a charm :)

    But I apoligise, while I used this in the past I'm not an expert.
  3. POTS99

    POTS99 New Member

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF just checked the compatibility list and yes its categorized under "nothing" meaning black screen!! ARGH i was really looking forward to playing this!
    thanks though close :D
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If you got a wii, you could soft hack it to run this...burn to disc :)

    If it's chipped that works, so can a gamecube once it's been modded...

    Why waste such a good game I say :)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I actually bought a gamecube for this game. It really is worth it.
  6. POTS99

    POTS99 New Member

    well I had it before when I still had a GCN but once next gen came around I disregarded the last gen...stupid...but thats fine I suppose I will wait for when the dev team gets it to work on dolphin in the mean time just sit back and cry with sonic heroes and ssbm :p
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