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Star Wars Lego - The Complete Trilogy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alcaclarke, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one who is pumped about this game or what?! It says Fall 2007 as a release date on the Star Wars website.

    I've played and completed both games and even though tjey are easy and simplistic, they are two of the funnest games I've played in a long time!
  2. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    What system? I think that the ones for the hand-helds were complete crap and were hard to play. The ones for the other systems were good, really only because of the funny-looking graphics. As for more lego stuff, lego universe is coming up fast.
  3. Disaster89

    Disaster89 New Member

    i like this game
  4. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    It will be for the Wii, Playstation 3, 360 and the NDS. George Lucas is quoted saying that he will make the Hanheld version as close as possible to the console versions because he was aware of the poor quality of the recent handheld versions.
  5. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Holy shit! Those graphics gotta be really good if it's going to 360 and PS3. As for, the Wii, I wonder if it will involve anything with the nunchak...
  6. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    you know,

    the star wars lego 2: original trilogy was not that amazing-great for the DS. it has a bunch of graphics bugs (cloud city was brutal at times) and parts of the game that seemed like they would be fun..but weren't.

    and i only know of two people who claim to actually have completed the game 100%

    i sooo hope that the new DS game has a bit better graphics and is as fun as it's consol versions.

    (just my humble thoughts)

  7. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the version for the DS sucked mostly because of the fact that you didn't really have complete control over the camera. I also hope the new game is better :)
  8. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    It will be far better than that lame excuse for a DS game. I think it was more of a money grab than anything. George Lucas who still heads all divisions of his empire is claiming that he was not happy with the poor quality of the original DS release and will make this far better of a game than the first. I'm excited myself - Fall 2007!