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spyro 3 run right i think

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by gameboy5.0, Jul 28, 2009.

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  1. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    ok if you play spyro3 on the emulator you know that it bugs up and mess up.
    well i think i know how to over come that. i have the cheat plugin for the espex. some said it does not work but i tested it my self that it does work.(not talking about spyro). ok back to the game lol. well as i was saying we all know that the game bugs up well what if when unlock all the eggs and gems first. ok know here what i am geting at. if we had every thing unlock then the game might not bug up becaues it all ready done( in the games point of view) and we did not do it. now here where the fun does not go away. the cheat say the you got it all but it does not show up on your gems or egg count. only on the atlas.

    ok now if you are still confuse i will sum it up here

    you turn on the cheat. all eggs and gems

    then you play the game and save it. now becaues we did not do it are self we put in a cheat the game sould not bug up and glitch makeing us losses are work. but this is in theroy and it might be a 50 50 chance. maybe the odds for it to work might be less. but if it does work that mean we can play the game. and go and get the stuff.

    now if this does work i do not want people thanking me for this i only try it out the people you sould think are the makers of a pluging and program call pec

    plz let me know if you have proplems with this and i will make a nother post to explain it better.

    to the mods here i think this topic sould be at the top becaues this is some thing that might fix the spyro 3 game and i know that you are all tired of people asking you how do you fix the spyro 3 game. and this might stop that.

    well all wish me luck and hope this works.

    (back from trying) ok i just got back from trying it out and it did a major rest took me back to begining i think this is becaues there was a major jump from 15% to 105% and on top of that i went to the last boss insted of doing the lv. i will do more test to see if this repeats of it does i will let the mods know and at that time i would like them to close this. but only at the time when i say this. all so i am srry if this is the wrong place to post this. but this is a good place for people to find it if this works

    ok i think i got some thing here when the cheat is activated you get all the gems and eggs. the gems you can get over again but the eggs you cant. well we all know that we like to pay the game with out cheating. but to get the game to work we have to cheat. there a third cheat that unlocks all lvs. i am going to try that one out and play the game a bit. but if that makes it bug then i guess that turning on the gem cheat only might be better.

    all so let me point some thing out with the gem cheat you get all the gems but you still can pick them up giveing you more gems. so if you get all the gems. that 15000 (that not adding the secret lv. so if this work then we will be able to play the game with out bugs. like i said before it might not work.

    all so if you are wondering why i am doing this. i am doing this to help and give back to the site.
    that is my reson for doing this

    OK I AM going to stop for tonight but here is what i have found out.

    with cheats on the world cheat does not open all lvs. but i think but haveing the money cheat on and the all lv cheat on. the chearted dont do the hi pitch voice any more but some times they do so i will work on this more and see what i can do
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