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Space Hotel

Discussion in 'General News' started by damanali, Nov 3, 2009.

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  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    Wow, thank God if this will become a reality! Even for a short time, you could get away from all the problems of this planet and the inhabitants it consist.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I doubt this is going to be made by 2012.

    Also, YAY SPACE SEX.
  3. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    It's going to be so messy in zero gravity...
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    That's the appeal of it.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i bet staying in a space hotel is like like stuck in the place without anything to do......

    i mean its space...... what can you do in space? i mean if its on moon atleast you can take a walk on moon......
  6. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    sun rise 15 times a day?? wtf..? that must be beautiful.. :)
    and travel around the world every 80 minutes?? How it can be?
    But sooo expensive,, and dangerous.. --.. but cool...ahh..can't wait to see the building design firstt :)
  7. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    but your grounded on your room watching sunset 15 times a day till your bored
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i think there is other entertainment in the hotel, and its cheaper just to go cruising if you want to get stuck in some in a place with no where to go.
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    You dont give away that amount of money because you will get stuck in space. Its the experience you will get. How many chances can you get to go to space? and go back to earth alive? Even billionaires like Bill Gates can't go to space that easy.

    So this Space Hotel will be like a breath of fresh air for adventurers. You can go to the depths of the earth, the bottom of the sea, but space?
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I think it's a sweet idea. Zero gravity is something I've always wanted to experience.

    Although this Space Hotel will not be cheap, expect it to cost a couple million dollars.

    I wonder when that space elevator is going to be built.
  11. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I think there is man-made device that lets you feel that..forgot that place... also the article said it will cost 200,000 USD. so its not a million. lol
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Holy crap, 200,000 USD? That's a lot of money, that's about half of the price of my house. I think they're being incredibly optimistic about this whole project. As much as space sex is appealing to me (like really appealing), I can't see myself paying for this.

    There's something that simulates Zero Gravity and it's something to do with a plane going up and down, similar to a sin(x) graph. Even that costs a lot.
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    actually there is a air plane services call G-Force which let people have zero-gravity experinces, sicne mythbuster and martha use them in thier show, i dont think it will be "that" expensive.

    also i think the cheapest way to experince zero-g is sky diving..... its almost zero-g during free falling.

    its space..... what experince will you get? bouncing around in zero-g? i bet you will get sick of it in 10 mins, plus with current tech i bet you will miss gravity after floating around in 3 days. looking at the space? like you cant do that on earth?

    the only thing you can do it brag after you came back....

    now IF you get to go to Jupiter or even mars (even though mars is just a big red rock in space, it bet staying in space, period), now thats something to hype about. staying in space for 3 days.... nothing special about it.
  14. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    lmao space sex lol netwlie Kudos to you I never thought of that LOL but thanks for opening my eyes to the idea of space sex LOL now that I think about it, it would probably get really messy but rather then sex lol what I always wanted to do in space is Flaot around and drink water by biting it and maybe try to spin around as well as getting older in 80 days lol and staying the same age while everyone gets old lol
  15. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Why would you spend $200,000 bucks to spend 3 days in space? why not think of hungry and poor people in the world and donate it to them? why not the poor?
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Screw the poor. You've earned the money, they haven't.

    So yeah, there's an anti-gravity machine, it's expensive but maybe in the future it'll be cheaper for 'space sex'.
  17. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    If they legalize marijuana and crystal meth in space, i would pay teh frigin $200,000 dollars and get a ship out there in the unknown
  18. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    space sex is reason enough :D
  19. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    space sex is reason enough :D

    It would be nigh impossible, it would take weeks at least to do it
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    No, not really. It would just be a little longer to get into position.
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