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Soul silver Wi-fi Dissconecting help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by fdsal0, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. fdsal0

    fdsal0 Member

    I am using an unpatched US version of SS on my AK2i with the 1.6 AKAIO firmware, and whenever I have a wi-fi battle with someone, about 6-10 turns into the match my DSi Disconnects from wi-fi (it show the error message in blue)

    I have no other problems with the gameplay, and the game is acting normal (e.g. no freezes, etc) Could someone please help me out here?
    Post Merge: [time]1268519133[/time]
    Also, it doesn't freeze, the game continues afterward, and i have no wi-fi problems.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    They might be disconnecting. I hear Pokemon Wi Fi sucks like that, people just disconnect on purpose, etc.
  3. fdsal0

    fdsal0 Member

    no. its not them, i also had this problem once when battling NEXT to my friend. we couldn't figure out what happened...
    Post Merge: [time]1268520243[/time]
    im currently lurking google for the answer =/
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps since the game hasn't been officially released?

    I'm not sure.

    Just a guess.
  5. fdsal0

    fdsal0 Member

    I hadn't thought of that. thanks =D
  6. Granit23

    Granit23 Member

    yah my wifi didn't work yesterday, today it works :) try it again
  7. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    you seriously have to play on wifi to battle your friend right next to you?
  8. k r a s h

    k r a s h New Member

    New to this but possibly another AP to try to block out trades and battles. Just a thought...
  9. Granit23

    Granit23 Member

    i already made a trade with someone using wifi and put up an onyx for trade just for the hell of it on my r4 so trading does work, have yet to battle tho
  10. TheRealFatShady

    TheRealFatShady Well-Known Member

    I can't seem to trade at all. I can save the game at the Wifi booth but as soon as I click connect, I get a blue screen saying 'Error connecting press A to return to main menu' or something along those lines. It freezes here, always.
  11. Granit23

    Granit23 Member

    did you try trading at the place in golden rod? thats where it worked for me. i don't the wifi works at the healing places (forgot what they're called lol)
  12. ipwnz

    ipwnz Member

    i have the same damn problem as well the GTS and the Wifi Plaza works just not the wifi club