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Sorry - help please

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Sappy123, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Sappy123

    Sappy123 Member

    First time poster so please be gentle. I'm sure this has been asked a million times and I have read and read through forums and cannot get my R4 to work.

    The card in question is an R4 Revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS)

    My wife brought it a few years ago and it has always worked great - we hadnt used it for a little while and so downloaded a few new roms that will not play on it - From reading around I undestood that I might need to update the firmware on R4. i have backed up the original data (which still works when loaded back on) but I cannot get any other software to run past the loading screen.

    Please believe me that i have tried loads of different Firmware versions and am trying my best to understand the differences but I am going on a flight soon and really want myDS for the flight.

    The R4 was using a 4gbSDHC MicroSD card (that worked fine) but I understand that some firmware will not run on a 4gb card so I am currently using a 2gb card to eliminate this as a problem.

    I dont want to sound lazy but I'm getting tired of this not working so I would really appreciate it if somebody could just give me alink and a little walkthrough of what I need - I'm very computer literate so I don't need extreme simplification but I am really, really struggling.

    if it helps, the original software that came with the R4 consists of the following files - _DS_MENU.DAT _DS_MENU.INI _DS_MENU.SYS moonshl _SYSTEM_ - I don't know whether this information helps but though I would provide as much info as possible.

    Thankyou in advance for all your help.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're a bit confused. There is no firmware that will not run on a 4GB card. There is a specific R4 (the original one, the name has since been misappropriated by countless other flashcarts) that does not support SDHC cards, yours is clearly not this R4. Unfortunately, all these different cards using the R4 name use different firmwares, so it's a matter of finding the correct one for your R4.

    The most helpful information you can provide would be a web address if there is one on the cart or the box it came in, otherwise a photograph of the front of the cart may enable someone to identify it.
  3. Sappy123

    Sappy123 Member

    Hi Loonylion,
    Thankyou for coming back to me - thankyou for clarifying too. I thought I had the original R4 but then I was confused by the whole 2gb/4gb thing. My card is this one: acekard.ca/Revolution-Card_p_59.html

    Unfortunately I don't have the box and I have never seen it to be honest - my wife got rid of it before I ever saw it.

    Thankyou for your help and I hope to hear from someone regarding the above soon.

  4. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    A copy & paste from the site you gave: • Supports upto 2GB memory ONLY
  5. Sappy123

    Sappy123 Member

    Thanks funguy,
    I am aware of what it says but as I mentioned in my original post, before trying to play newer games the R4 was working perfectly with a 4gb card in it so although I understand what you are getting at theres obviously more to this.

    This would seem to suggest that this isn't the original R4 however it does look identical, in every single way to the card in that picture - if it is not an R4 but just looks like one then is there any way of knowing which updated software I need?

    im not stupid and am very aware that the website state 2gb only but mine is working fine with a 4gb card in it just not for newer rome, I have, as I said previously used a 2gb card too just to eliminate this as an issue.

    I would really appreciate any further insight into this.

  6. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    It's quite confusing the problem you have, on one hand the website where you purchased it from says not to use a SD card above 2GB.

    Which indicates you have the original (or the 1:1) R4, and then you say you've been using a 4GB SD card.

    I don't really know what's going on if your cart does work with a 4GB SD, without the web address for your cart (not where you purchased it from, but where to get the correct firmware for it), it will be difficult to direct you to the correct firmware.

    Post Merge: [time]1363997237[/time]
    I'm clutching at straws here, put the Wood firmware on your SD card just to see if it will work with it.


    Take everything off your micrSD and put in a folder on your desktop and give Wood a try.

    making sure you are using a 2GB microSD.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there's a slight possibility he's using a non-SDHC 4GB card, since they did exist at one point. Regardless, the card is proven to work so there's no reason not to use it.
  8. Sappy123

    Sappy123 Member

    Thankyou so much for your help here guys,
    i tried the Wood firmware but it didnt work either - still stuck on loading.

    With regards to the 4gb card it was/is an SDHC card - this then proves, presumably that the cart isn't and original R4 then?

    Am i best just to buy a new cart then? What am I best to get do you think?

  9. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    If it was the Original R4, then it wouldn't have been able to support your MicroSD.

    See this thread.
  10. Sappy123

    Sappy123 Member

    I got it working - i just started trying lots of different software on it to see if anything stuck - turns out its the R4III by the looks of things.

    Thanks for all the help guys - I appreciate it.
  11. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Hope it all goes well.

    Happy gaming!