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Sorry but, MarsNDS help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by UnrepentantN00b, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. UnrepentantN00b

    UnrepentantN00b New Member

    Ok Im sorry if you get asked this allot, but I have used the search but I have a HUGE headache and seriously CBA scrawling through every post containing 'NDS' or 'Mars'.

    But basically I understand the Mars NDS card is a R4 clone or something, and I was unfortunate to find this out after buying it and then a week later the 'Official' mars site closing down.

    Im asking if any of these 'un-official' firmware can be loaded onto it, I had a very quick go but with no luck.

    If anyone can help, please can you post step by step instructions on how with download links.

    If not can someone give a decisive decision on a better alternative.

    Many thanks 8)
    Post Merge: [time]1299619945[/time]
    Post Merge: [time]1299666949[/time]
    OK never mind I got YSmenu to work much simpler than I thought, someone should specifically put somewhere that the Mars cart will work with this, it not on either the working or not working list.