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sony ps3 having backward compatability issues.....

Discussion in 'Sony' started by ultra, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i believe this is a marketing scheme by sony.

    sony mentioned that people can use the internet for free, but will have to pay for content, which means that if you have to download, you'll have to pay.

    since the problem will be fixed using patches, that means those that want to play their old games, will have to pay in order to download the patches.
  2. rath

    rath Member

    i think so too.
    they cannot depend with their game sales and now they used this strategy
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Their job is to earn money, and with the amount of money they loose per sold console(yes they sell at less than it costs to produce it, and it's already effing expensive) they'll need it too, honestly, just stay away from the PS3 and get a Wii, the games are equal if not better and it's more innovative.
  4. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    If I had bought one and found out those issues, I would have returned it and gotten my money back. The Final fantasy series are listed as some of the known 200 games that has been affected so far. A conpany as big as Sony, could have had issues like this fixed before it hit the consumer. If I ever do decide to go next generation, it will be Wii.
  5. fogWraith

    fogWraith Active Member

    I'm having issues keeping up with the new consoles and their backward compatibility... Is the PS3 capable of running games ranging back to the days of ye olde PSX?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    supposidly it is....
  7. fogWraith

    fogWraith Active Member

    Then perhaps I should look into buying one... or wait for Santa ;)
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yes you will be able to play old games, however you'll have to download them from the net I believe, and that will cost you extra cash, really if you want a new console then get the Wii, it's $250 and there's an awesome line of games for it, the new Zelda game alone is making me REALLY want to buy it.
  9. fogWraith

    fogWraith Active Member

    My GF will probably pick up a Wii, so I can concentrate on other consoles for the time being. Lucky me ;)
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member

    if i would buy a ps3 i would defenetly wait for a year or 2 because then most problems will be fixed and it will cost alot less (600 doller for a console is alot of money)
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    This is true of all consoles. Some take longer to fix than others, but the first batch always has problems, regardless of which console it is.
  12. One

    One Well-Known Member

    yep , and there will probably be different ones to. smaller cases and such...
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    or different colours. That cost more :(
  14. One

    One Well-Known Member

    like pink :p
  15. dachan

    dachan New Member

    i got a wii and it rules, i recommend you guys to buy one
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    cant afford one....
  17. Lord Dante

    Lord Dante Member

    If they put Metal Gear Solid 4 on the Wii. Then, I will buy the Wii.
    Which, Will never happen. That is about the only reason I would get a Ps3 and
    because I am so use to their controls.

  18. Elru

    Elru Well-Known Member

    I have a PS3 and If you use the site your a member of to download the iso's then you wont have to pay a dime ;D
  19. darkjehutyv2

    darkjehutyv2 New Member

    Yeah I have a PS3 also and they have free firmware updates which fixed a lot of problems. There should be a huge one in march too... anyways this is an old thread and people are bringing it back alive lol...
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you always know that something like this is likely to happen. it doesn't only happen to sony, it also happens to apple, microsoft and every other company that makes a change from one system to the next.

    basically, i'm trying to say that is that you have to learn to accept it and deal with it.