I have an R4ds(original) with wood r4 1.07. This is how it went down. I was playing Pokemon Crystal using lameboy(latest version, cant remember name) saving was done through save slots(not in-game save option).After a few saves, I noticed saving was taking longer than usual and at one point the loading bar(which shows saving progress)just stopped So I decided to re-install lameboy, I removed micro-SD card, loaded it into my computer.This is where I really got shocked. There were lots of files which looked like this, [][][][][][][][] You know,inverted rectangles, sort of. Funny thing was that these files were more than 3gb each whereas my micro SD can only support 2gb max. So I had to format the whole thing but couldn't back up the files as windows kept telling my games and sav's were corrupted. I want to know why this happened and how to prevent it. I don't want to keep losing savegames
MicroSD corrupted. It happens every now and again with them. This is why you should back up often. Usually more common with cheaper brands of MSD cards. It could have been a lameboy error, or a R4 glitch. No way to know AFAIK. Just back up often in case of this.
Thanks for the info.Definitely will back up more often then. I guess I better stay away from lameboy too.
Same here. I'm pretty sure it was because I tried to create a new save file when I had literally no room on my MicroSD. Or maybe Lameboy is dodgy (but if it is Lameboy's fault, you would think you'd have heard more complaints).
this happened to me from the Paint app in DSOrganize, and again when I was playing Big Brain Academy. it really sucks when you don't have backups, or you don't have access to your PC at the time (I was on vacation during the DSOrganize incident)
I never remember to update my backups... mostly because I have an 8Gb SD card and it takes forever to back it up