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Something was going wrong

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by GeorgeJonas, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. GeorgeJonas

    GeorgeJonas Member

    Recently I bought a Gateway 3ds,bought the card here:http://www.r4igold3ds.co.uk/ .when I try to patched it,but something went wrong.I did follow the

    tutorial,But it stopped at the step:When I inserted TF card into the blue card and then inserted into my

    3ds console,I could never be into the hack mode and it appeared the following text:An error has occurred

    press and hold the power button to turn the system off please refer to the operations manual for details.
    For this reason, I formatted my 3ds console,SD card, TF card, copy the firmware again,But it still could

    not work.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Interesting. I've never heard of any patch for Gateway. And even more intriguing is how one can possibly format his 3DS console. I believe the console can only be 'reset' and 'upgrade'. I think you need to reword your post cause it's confusing. Also, do include info about what the 3DS's firmware version it's running on. If it's above v.4.5.0, kiss your Gateway good night and put it in the closet. It only work on v.4.1 - v.4.5 firmware at present.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    at a guess your 3ds firmware is higher than 4.5.0
  4. GeorgeJonas

    GeorgeJonas Member

    Thank you very much for your suggestion,You are right,I upgraded my gateway to upper,And I have already solve the matter now,THank you again.
    Post Merge: [time]1410486453[/time]
    Thank you for your remind,I solved the matter now!