I tried coming here from my links and this time I got this error message. 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/0.7.58. Could somebody please tell me if that was Loonylion and his big feet again? Maybe he's related to Clarence and has the same vision problem? ;v)
Well Timmy, a little while ago the site just plain crashed! I was teasing Loony that he had tripped over the server's cord and yanked it out of the outlet! ;v)
A late reply to this thread: Man that was funny, I remembered the time there was a server crash because Patton tripped over some of the servers wires & spilled coffee on it What's next? the server crashed because seph got dumped by his girlfriend? And yes I know the whole thing about loony was just a gag the OP placed on his thread.
LOL, that's what I remembered was on the notice page you guys posted after that two day down time incident, but the way it was written I kinda think it was a gag comment you posted up then.
...this has gone towards the casual side... Besides-if I were in charge of the servers I think they would have blown up in my clumsy care XD