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Somebody Willing To Help Me Out, Please?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by jericho82, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. jericho82

    jericho82 Active Member

    Just The Two Of My Questions :

    1. Why After I Played The 3Ds Using Red Gateway Card I've Got Error (Black Screen Freeze) When I Changing Into R4i RTS Wood Card??? But After 4x Pull Out And In My Card Its Seems Work Perfectly, Its So Weird, Does Anyone Have Same Trouble As Me When Changing Card Gateway Into R4i Or Other Card???

    2. Sometimes When I Played 3Ds Using Red Gateway (Omega 2.1-2.2) My New Save Is Gone, When I Load My Save Sometimes Corrupt And Change Into My Oldest Save, Example : I Played Harvest Moon ANB And My First Save Is Springs 30, Then The New Ine IS Summer 3, When I Power Off My 3Ds And After 2 Days Not Playing (Because Iam Work As Credit Card Marketing So Im Very Busy In Real) And Load My Save The New One Summer 3 Is Gone, And My Save Back Into Springs 30 Again, Does This Is Only Me Or Everybody Got The Same Bugs Problem???

    Thx In Advanced And Best Regards, Im Sorry For My Bad English Languange
  2. jericho82

    jericho82 Active Member

    Wew It Seems No One Is About To Gimme The Answer... Any Good Guys Willing To Help Me Please?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It's likely not that no one wants to give you any answer to those problem of yours. Just that most likely people have one of those cart but not both, and as you've might noticed few been posting around this forum despite them being online. So it's a bit of a long shot hoping for answers to such rare issues. Then again, it might be just a problem on your side while others didn't experience it if they do own both same cart as yours. Me? I have none of both, nor do I own a 3DS. But I can tell you that you cannot eject the flash cart while the 3DS console is on, assuming that is what you normally did from your post. I might interpret it wrongly, but your wordings gave me that impression. Only the NDS Fhat and NDSL allows you to do so while console is on without resulting to any problem. And far as I know you should make sure the Gateway cart properly written a save file into your SD Micro before you shut down. I suggest you re-read what the gateway's user manual says about how the cart work.
  4. jericho82

    jericho82 Active Member

    Let Me Put This Clearly... First I Apologize For My Forcing Word To Someone To Help Me Out On Diz Case, But Im So Curious That Makes Me Want To Know So Soon, And The 2nd Is I Never Pull Off Card While My 3Ds Still On, Its Like The Problem Is After Playing From Red Gateway Card (3Ds Games) Then I Put My 3Ds Xl In Power Off Mode (So Totally In Off Condition) Then I Pull Off My Card Gateway Then Pull In MyR4i Then On, After That I Push The A Button Like Normally Getting On The Nds Menu It Seems Just Freezing On Loading Or Blackscreen Crash..... I've Been Read For many Times About Gateway Card But None Of Problem Error Like My Case, If The Card Or My 3Ds Xl Is Crush Is near Impossible Cuz That 2 Is New (I Brought That 2 In 5 Last month Ago So In Good Shape Condition) ..... Its Seems No One Getting Problem Like Me... Maybe I Just Wait For Gateway Support Latest Firmware 3Ds So I Brought New Console That Made In Latest Years.... (My Console I Buy Is New But The Made Firmware In From Nintendo Is Old Cuz Its First Release Because I Want Firmware That Support On Red Gateway...)
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    There is no need to capitalise every letter in your sentences.

    It seems like your R4i is messing with your 3DS console. This is probably due to the result of it being a bad card most likely. I'd suggest contacting your seller and asking for a replacement.

    Also, the Gateway 3DS will unlikely be able to be ran on any other firmware than 4.x in the near future. If it was to be, it would most likely be a new card or hardware revision (requiring you to buy a new card).