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Some of you know me from IRC, but I guess I can do this.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by I Eat Mousetraps, Mar 24, 2009.

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  1. Hey everyone I'm Mousey.

    Don't bother with "I Eat Mousetraps" ...it's horribly long and I'm sure no one wants to type it out. There is a full story behind my name of course, which I'll happily tell you if you want to know it. Quick answers are: No, I do not actually eat mousetraps. And No it's not a metaphor for a woman's pelvic area.

    I'll usually respond to it though or any of the versions of it; like 'mouse' 'mousey' and 'traps'. I found RomUlation thanks to a friend of mine, Jhes, who helped me with my r4. I think it's a great site and has some pretty decent people, most of them willing to help you out in a pinch. You can usually find me in IRC. I'll probably be there more than the forums.

    I have a Nintendo DS. Friend codes for all my games are available uppon request yadda yadda...

    My main hobbies aside from gaming are music and photography. I work for local bands in my area, mostly in the area's of promotional and booking. But I do a little bit of everything. Also, I am a girl. ^_^ If you need proof I've got it...

    /points to proof.

    I have already made one at the request of Winterreise, who btw is awesome. ;3


    Hmm what else??

    I like music box music. I'm cute, spontaneous and flirty- but I have a whole other side to me. I can be deep and mysterious. I swear D; I have too many mindsets for you to ever understand me completely. I think too much. ^_^~ Imagine that! A blond that is a deep thinker! I typo...a lot. My grammar isn't the best..and I'm extremely gullible. But I'm a fun nice person- and I'm real. That's all I really need to be in life. And I'm happy with it.

    I'm addicted to the CaramellDansen dance. ~it's true~ I'm 20 years old, my birthday is June 15th. blah blah...
    Here's the genius behind the pixels! 8O Aren't I dorky!? 8B


    I'm very finicky when it comes to food...so if you offer to cook for me and I turn you down- don't be offended. I probably just won't like your food and I think it would be more of an insult if i threw up on your carpet then if i just decided not to eat your crappy food. Sorry... ^_^;;

    I believe in karma. I admire people who have religion- but not those that follow it blindly or try to force their religion on others. I have no religion, but I believe in something. 9_9 I just dunno what it is yet

    I swoon over accents. Mostly English [British], Irish, Aussie, and New Zeland accents. Just to name a few. >w<

    I like independent films. My favorite movies are, in no particular order: The Crow, Lockstock and Two Smoking Barrlels, Brick, SLC Punk, Short Curcuit, SuBurbia, and Once.

    I'm a random person. Learn to deal. D< I also love emoticons- can't you tell?! >D

    I believe in Deja-vu, and I encounter it all the time. I'd only consider fan girl-ing over one person who's famous. And that person is Kevin Smith. x3

    I love Foamy the Squirrel. He is my lord and master. /nod

    T.V Shows I'm currently watching: Dead Like Me, Reaper, Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Doctor Who, Six Feet Under and a few others.

    & Yeah, I'm done. :/
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Hey Mousey, still waiting on the bewbs.

    Oh, and welcome to the forum and all that shebabs.

  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Hurro. Welcome to RomUlation.
  4. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Wut, I was supposed to be first, but I got lazy.

    Welcome, and enjoy your stay (so much for me saying that and not actually be active)
  5. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    MOUSEY! Get ready for a bunch of horny nerds to ask for the 'bewbs' as void put it.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Welcome to the forums I Eat Mousetraps :)

    I'm glad there's another person here who admits believing in stuff like karma & dejavu because I do too.
  7. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Hi Mousey!

    Remember me? Of course you dont.
  8. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    Wicked another dr who fan ;D
  9. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I HATE foamy.... I liked him for a while then realized the only reason anyone liked him is because we all seem to giggle at the gross misuse of cursing.

    Ah, whatever, I guess you have to take the good (gamer girl, cut,e Romline gamer) with the bad (foamy D: )
  10. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    wow nice introduction Mousey

    welcome to RomU... im hoping we could be friends


    i kind of feel like were a like on the part of

    "I have no religion, but I believe in something. 9_9 I just dunno what it is yet"

    coz whenever some one ask me what my religion is

    i always say that

    i believe in GOD, but not in religion

    although in my birth certificate im a roman catholic

    thanks to my parents who made me catholic when im young


    o well that's me

    welcome again to RomU mousey ;)
  11. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

  12. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I didnt know the US had Doctor Who.. anyways, hi!
  13. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Good day to you ma'am. How are we today? Nice to meet you mousey and welcome to the forums. I now finally have a valid reason to visit the IRC, apart from annoying looney, maybe i'll visit it some time soon. Anyway have fun and look forward to seeing more of your well written posts.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm such a meanie, I didn't write anything till now.
    And yes, we know you are very flirty ^_^"

    You are awesome :p
  15. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Welcome to RomUlation! :)

    Great intro!

    I hope to see you alot on the forums.
  16. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    why do the girls get so many replies :eek:

    you know, I've never been on IRC

    is it popular?
  17. CameronJHayes

    CameronJHayes Well-Known Member

    Heya Mousey, hope you have fun; :)
  18. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    haha i should have pretended to be a girl
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes, get on it now!
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation :D

    I've never seen you on IRC (BUT I haven't been on IRC for like.. 4 months -.-)
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