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Some help need regarding flashcarts for DSi XL, and mostly R4i gold 3DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by apol657, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. apol657

    apol657 New Member

    Hi everyone, I was surfing through this forum at different times through the last one year, but just finally made an account because I am going crazy with all the flashcarts!

    Here is the case. Before a year I finally got a NDSi XL with firmware version 1.4E . I got myself some weird unknown R4 clone, because it was pretty much the only one I had access to that time. But its quite terrible, many games play slow and others wont work at all. So these days I started looking for a flashcart again since I am able to order one online. I would avoid creating a new topic if I could, but all the threads I read may have some tiny little detail different, and so I can't be 100% sure.

    I want a flashcart that will work without requiring updating through DS Lite, because I simply don't have access one. So Acekard is out. I also can't afford the DSTWO, despite all the good things i read about it. Surfing through the last topics I noticed some good comments about an R4i gold 3DS, and most are linking to thegamerdepot.com/buy-wood-r4i-gold-3ds-card-for-3ds-xl3dsdsids-p-150.html (I also found it at gamedepot4u.com/genuine-r4i-gold-3ds-for-3ds-ds-dsl-dsi-v145-p-181.html through r4ids.cn/buy-r4i-e.htm).

    What I would love to know is if this card will work on DSi XL 1.4E without owning another device. If there is updating needed it's fine as long as it can be done through the DSi XL 1.4E i own. Also I would really like to hear any opinions at all about my case, about whether the R4i gold 3DS is indeed good, or if you know some other alternative.

    Too long; didn't read version: Will R4i gold 3DS (thegamerdepot.com/buy-wood-r4i-gold-3ds-card-for-3ds-xl3dsdsids-p-150.html) work for a DSi XL with firmware 1.4E without requiring another device for updating? Is this flashcard good and reliable?

    Thanks in advance everyone :), you will really be helping me get this finally over.
  2. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    According to thegamerdepot.com the carts are updated to the latest version.
    So, yes it'll work on NDSi XL v1.4 without the need of any other device.

    I myself own a NDSi v1.4E and a R4i Gold 3DS too. It's working without any issues.
  3. apol657

    apol657 New Member

    Oh that's great to hear, that it's working flawlessly. Yeah I read the description myself too, but after a big disappointment from my first flashcard I have some trust issues xD . Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your good opinion about it!