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So Nintendo has yet another handheld..

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by finalmario, Mar 24, 2010.

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  1. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Ok,so whats with nintendo lately?They must be really desprite for money now.First the DSi,then the LL comes out not to much after,and now the 3DS?I mean,the 3DS sounds awesome,but im not sure if it will be worth it when it comes out because there might be another one like after 6 months!Theres a waste of 200 or 300 bucks!(whatever the price will be,considering its 3D,might be 300)

    So do you think it will be worth it?I guess it depends on how it looks so we will have to wait till E3.

    But my DSlite is almost broke and ive kept it since the DSlite first came out in 2006.I was gonna get a DSi finialy,and right when i almost get one,i hear this announcement.Well,i'll just have to wait for a while.My DS is almost unplayable though.Then again,R4 cant play the newest games anyway so ive only been using my DS for music..If i do get the DSi or the 3DS when it comes out though,i'll acturally start buyin the games.:p

    So what do you think about the 3DS?
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    no they're not desperate for money, they just had to counter the iPad (or iPhone, whichever it is) before it gains a foothold of the portable market.
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