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So it turns out that Gamestop is shittier than it used to be

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inunah, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I got KH2 and Mirror's Edge for my Bday the other day. Neither worked. This morning, I traded both copies in for working copies.

    Mirror's Edge works perfectly. KH2, however...

    It works, but apparently I can never go into the pause menu ever. I was trying to see how much Munny I had after doing those 3 jobs at the first job board, and it locked up. (I tried this twice, just to check if it was a one-time thing or a persistent bug. It wasn't a one-time fucker.) Saving works just fine, however. D:

    This is fucking ridiculous. If this persists all the way to after I get control of Sora, I'll have to trade it in for a new copy AGAIN.

    Seriously, Gamestop?
  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    its not gamestop's fault. gamestop just sells the games, its the games company that does the copies si its their fault. and maybe your fault if you are buying a used game. there is always a chance to get a faulty game if you are buying it used.
  3. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    We were told the discs we traded for would be new.

    In fact, the gamestop we went to to trade the disc... The dude didn't even check if the discs were scratched to unplayability. In the one we live closer to, every time you buy a game they check the discs. I remember them finding tons of discs one time, but kept putting them back after checking the discs (possibly for scratches).
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i believe its store regulation to do that. if the guy didnt do it, you could of told him to do it
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    The usual policy in regards to that sort of thing is to give the disc a brief once-over and check for scratches. If it isn't too bad, they just leave it at that, otherwise they say "lolno"

    Some of the better ones will actually check and run the games for a couple minutes to make sure they at least turn on. That's about the extent it goes to.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I personally inspect game disc from game shops, new or second hand unless sealed.

    If it doesnt meet my expectations, I'll ethier say "fuck you" or I'll take it home, burn it (ps2 only) and then return saying the disc fails, which is usually does.

    Funny story, bought simpsons hit and run second hand, fucked up as ever, the disc didnt work on my ps2...but when I attempted to burn it, which took hours of me ignoring read errors...

    The copyied disc worked!

    I love my chipped ps2 :p
    Post Merge: [time]1295760158[/time]
    Oh and dont trust gamestop/eg games staff, they do a 5 second check and sell, I once bought a fake copy of kingdom hearts on ds...boy was i pissed, the copy of that didnt even work because what it shitted out was a 8mb file...and I know the game is far larger than that.

    Plus that game didnt work on my dsi, meaning it was fake and my dsi had a hissy fit, had to show these dumbasses instore how I proved it despite their "oh we check them 100 quality garrentied" bullcrap.
  7. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    We looked, but because it was so damn sunny we couldn't see that it had anything more than something we could clean off at home. And it didn't have ANYTHING that could be cleaned off. D:
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...my game stores usually keep the sun away from the counter...and my room can be dark once i close the curtains.

    Check before you leave, with second hand disc say "can I see this disc".

    There is a safe level of marks and a bad one, some experience can tell harmless blemishses (a hundread of those can't hurt) to death scrathes (A long one can be harmless, but a deep one of short length=death)
  9. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    This game disc is so scratched you can see CIRCULAR scratches on it. As if the thing was read off center.
    Post Merge: [time]1295820347[/time]
    We checked when we got outside, since the last time we checked in the store we ended up not being able to see any scratches.
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    They buffed the disk up. Thus why you saw no more scratches. That or changed the disk altogether. It would help actually, if you got to know the employees a bit more. Just have a few minute conversation with them, as that can help build a working rapport.

    Then again, it's up to you to check out the disks before you leave the store, as Hypnos has already stated. You can ask them to run the disk on the store systems before you take it home. If they do not comply with your wishes, you can always leave.

    Stores do have buffing machines, designed to fix minor scratches. Parallel scratches are by far the worst of the lot, often rendering disks unreadable. Don't just assume you're getting a working product. Would you purchase a car before test driving it? Same goes for games- Especially disk based ones.
  11. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Okay, I've played far enough that it locks up after a cutscene and character change. D:

    So it can neither progress in the game OR go to the start menu.

    Fucking gamestop. This will be the second time the fucking game was swapped.
  12. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    gamestop and their defective games.
    fuckin basterds :3
  13. Admiral_Lindsay

    Admiral_Lindsay Well-Known Member

    The only problem I had with GameStop was when I bought an used copy of SMG. Even though it look OK, it didn't work. Thank goodness I paid for the warranty and was able to trade it when I went to pick up SMG2 (I bought SMG a few months before SMG2). I even got 5 dollars back since SMG was lowered.
  14. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    That is actually a problem I have with Gamestop. I don't like how they have their games out of the packaging. You never can tell if they are giving you a truely new game (which can still be scratched in those paper sleeves if they have a little bit of grit in them.) or a used game. Then again that goes for all game stores that do that sort of thing to new games.
  15. oscarwilde

    oscarwilde Member

    Wow I've gotten lucky since I've bought all of my xbox games used yet they all work. :/
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I might also add something...

    At my local game stores they once offered an instore buffering service, this was canceled because they would OVER BUFF the disk, thus ethier killing the data or leaving a small layer that when scratched-insta-kill the disc.

    They use some ghastly white putty thing on the disc now and they still come out like crap...
  17. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    Someone's been using ur gamez as frisby's
  18. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

  19. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    No one actully thinks f this option, but if your buying a NEW game. And they reach for that paper sleeved copy you can stop them and ask for an unopened copy. If they have one in store they HAVE to provide it to you. This usually only works with newer releases and not just "unused" games.

    The thing is they open about 2 or three of the games they keep on shelf so that when a customer comes it to get the game, they bring up the empty case and the employee can just put a disk in that. They may have 15 copies of the game in stock. Only about 3 of them are open with boxes on shelf.

    I refuse to buy opened games. Under the context of Open = Used. ALSO since they open games, if you return a game to them, they do NOT lable it was pre-owned when they put it back into the system. So be careful when getting "new" games from them as well. Because they may still be pre-owned.

    As stated before, talk to the employees, bullshit with them while your browsing around. Especially if you haven't before, even if you already know what your after. If you have the time, brows a bit and chat, you can learn a lot about the individual employees that way. Gamestop policy may suck balls, but the employees who work there, a lot of them work there because they love games.