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So I just got a job offer...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stanley Richards, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I recently got a job offer from my mom's boss over at McDonalds'. She specifically wants someone to deal with McDelivery Services, meaning I'm almost always at the PC handling orders. The pay is 5$ an hour, or 4USD an hour. It's kinda weird, getting a refferal from the boss herself. I've never worked in my life, though I do housework and stuff, I don't think I'm ready for the working world. My mom says she wants me to work not to get her money, but to experience what it's like to work, and to learn to spend my money wisely. If I DO take the job, I'll be working mostly during weekends, unless it's the holidays, in which I'd work everyday unless it's taken over by remediation in school. She wants me to try during the weekends, right after my first examinations for the year.

    Anyone of you got any tips? Like, sharing your work experience, when you started work, what I can do to ease my tension, etc. It would really help, I could learn a thing or two. Thanks.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I was nervous as hell and had no clue what to do.

    Now, I'm one of the best workers there.

    Just be cool, listen to your managers and be nice to customers.
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    As a MDS Helper, I need not stare at customers. The only thing I'll be staring at is the PC.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it's not much of a job but it will serve you well in future when you graduate and apply for full time jobs, because it is experience you will have.
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough, if I work for a full month, which will only happen during long holidays, taking only 1 day off each week, I'd earn more than what my mom currently earns.
  6. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Fast food places are a b*** in my opinion...
    I mainly got out because of the nagging customers (worked as a cashier/cook)
    $5 is not that much, even for US standards...but if your really young than it's a great starter job, I guess.

    I got a pay reduction for saying this at BurgerKing:
    "hey! if you don't like the mayo or pickles, then take it off with a napkin"
    "im not the cook right now, tell him!"
    they can really get to ya, even if your a calm person like me :I
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I've turned into a raging bitch at times if people set me off.
  8. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    obviously, as a first job i would not highly recommend it, if you have an anger issue that is....
  9. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    ... Your mom works at MCD?
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Yes, she does.
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with working at a fast food place? I work at one. It's a tough industry filled with assholes and fat asses who only care about their food.
  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Take it. It's extra money and experience.
    It isn't the most impressive experience, but as the phrase goes: something is better than nothing.

    Also, it doesn't sound like a bad job....Unlike, say, cleaning a McDonalds/diner. Bathrooms are nightmares....
  13. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Put it this way: you get to work with machines all day and don't have to deal with the worst part (customers) at all.

    I'd say take it, if you're still pretty young (16-20) and aren't paying taxes and BS yet, it'll give you some good spending money for things you might wanna buy (3DS maybe, and other techs and/or stuffs ;)), as well as some savings for college or whatever school you wanna go to.
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Give it a blast.You might get lucky with the manager,or some other bird.In my first job,I humped 8 birds from the supermarket.....
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Well, you aren't in a position to be picky so might as well take it.
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    lol...hes 14, doubt he can get his freak on :3
  17. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Take it, any job is better than no job.

    Also what is wrong with mcd's ?
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    As said earlier, take it, you are infront of a pc for the job you've been asked to do so it's something you would be comfortable with for now.

    The extra cash flow and experience are a big help.

    Where I am IT HAPPENS!

    My old kfc didnt give a shit but I generally told my co-workers off for saying that shit...

    None got written warnings, guess that is what happens when they are able to chase each other around the store with a blow up doll on shift :/
  19. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

  20. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Tip: Get fired before you have to spend hours there resisting the smell of food.