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So I have a question(s)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Serraph105, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. Serraph105

    Serraph105 Member

    First off hey guys I'm a long time user of this site, but I tend to chill out on other forums on this big old interwebs. So first off nice to meet all of you. :)


    I have been reading a bit about what has been going on here about the recent lack of a certain type of rom. It's been a lot of e-drama with mods cussing out users who said they were done with this site, and other users who have chosen not to leave (myself included I suppose) have been saying that we should show more respect and loyalty to romulation and Seph.

    My question is why do you feel respect and loyalty is owed? Also can you not see the natural logic of someone saying, "Well the reason I started coming to romulation in the first place is no longer a reality. Because of this I will leave for pastures that are currently as green as this place once was."

    Now granted they may not have said it in quite the poetic manner that I just did, but the logic remains the same. Furthermore Seph seems to be a very smart guy and I'm sure he understands that logic even if he doesn't like to admit it.

    I'm hoping to spark actual discussion with this post about why loyalty should be given and whether or not you understand this line of thought rather than just a flame war.

    if the mods still want to lock it though go right ahead.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    My loyalty is to RomUlation for being there with almost every problem I've had and the vast amount of roms that they have. Yeah, the DS is no longer available, but I download the retro that I can't find in other places.
    I like helping people.

    It's a social community that just draws me to here everyday.
    RomU is better than facebook or any other community and the atmosphere here keeps me from leaving, plus most people on here are pretty nice.
    And I have declared this to be my online home.

    And you're right on the part of Seph being smart.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If only it was so. A far more fitting analogy is this:

    "Well, I've been here for 3 years now, I've never posted a forum post or a game comment and you don't really know me at all. I just thought I should tell you that after 3 years of downloading from you guys I am now leaving you for somewhere else and you all suck for not fighting the power and ending up paying many fines."

    I don't mind that people are leaving, even if I could force people to stay on RomUlation it would make very little sense since these people who are leaving can no longer find their games here. What I do take offence to is the people who come to complain and be rude to us. If they want to leave then do so quietly, we are aware they probably hate us and wish death upon us, but we honestly couldn't care less about people like that.

    I don't think people mean respect and loyalty in the sense that people should stay on RomUlation, I certainly hope it's more about thankfulness for what we've provided up until now and respect for our decision. Usually when users defend us it is when other users are being rude, demanding or ungrateful, often multiple of them combined.

    I'm also smart enough to not fall for that trick, even if you don't like to admit it.
  4. Serraph105

    Serraph105 Member

    uh I never meant to "trick" you. I'm not even sure what trick I would be pulling :-\ (seriously how do you think I'm trying to trick you?)

    anyways if it makes you feel better I doubt anybody wishes death on you (well maybe people who are against piracy but they don't actually know you.)

    Also I realize that I don't spend a lot of time on here but while I was reading all these posts I saw several of yours that came across as intelligent. Furthermore you created a massive rom site that loads of people love. Conventional wisdom says whoever did that is a smart dude.

    anyways that's all I've got.
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Well in this quote:
    It kinda sounds like you are trying to get something out of Seph...
    Or trying to provoke him.
  6. Serraph105

    Serraph105 Member

    oh one more thing now that I think about it.
    when those users are being rude it seems the ones who defend your site (from what I have seen anyways) are just as rude back if not more so and that definitely included the admin. (won't name names though) do you really approve of that?
    Post Merge: [time]1278114181[/time]
    *shrugs* maybe but I'm not.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you didn't mean it, but it sounds like that.
    Just reread what you type to see if it sounds good.
  8. Serraph105

    Serraph105 Member

    I have re-read it like 3 times now. I don't see the down side of calling someone smart.

    also if you read this Seph I'm still interested in what you thought I was trying to trick you into.
  9. RomRomPawnch

    RomRomPawnch Well-Known Member

    After lurking all of those flame wars and stuff, and finally having the guts to post in this forum (Should've did that a long time ago, nice people here),
    I think I can see why all the mods are peeved off about this thing. I know, the main reason was for people to download roms (Of any kind, not just
    the mentioned ROM) and test them out. Now that one was gone, some people got mad. Some left quietly, as Seph suggested, or they decided to
    get mad at the mods for not protecting the roms. Well, it was either protecting and getting sued, or give up, and block one portion of the ROMS.
    Of course, they chose the later. So... Leave if you want, I've been in the forums for about... 3 days, and I have to say, people are fun here, and you're
    missing out on a lot.

    But, Mods do seem to be a little overreactive on the people's posts saying they're leaving. If they want to say their goodbyes, in a mean tone or not, I don't
    think you guys should cuss them out, shoot them down, and ban them.

    All in all? If you want to leave, leave. -Hopefully, I don't get cussed out, or shot down. Eek!-
    Post Merge: [time]1278115559[/time]
    I don't know... but it kinda makes you sound like you're 100% right, and Seph is too ignorant to understand/accept it.

    But who knows, I'm just a young childish idiot.
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It's not that they're overreacting. It's that the people who come here and leach off of RomU without posting and then come in and say "FUCK YOU! YOU SUCK! I'M LEAVING!!!"
    That's what a majority of those shit posts you hear about are...
  11. RomRomPawnch

    RomRomPawnch Well-Known Member

    Errm.. Well, that is true... but some of them are pretty short, and just says, "Bye, I'm leaving because of the NDS roms, and am mad at you gusy for not
    protecting the NDS roms.-

    Although the "Mad and so on" part may be rude, it shouldn't make the MODS say. "BYE, NO ONE MILL MISS YOU" (Altough that may be true.)
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I said that and it's true.
    They don't need to come on here and say that they're unhappy because Seph and Loony could go to jail for not complying with the ESA...
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    When the mods and admins say "You won't be missed" they mean it completely. It is a feeling shared among all when somebody walks in and disrupts the community with a whiny thread about the ROMs, or even just a crude reply.

    As previously stated, in more ways than one, if you came in silence, leave in silence. Don't walk in, disrupt the community because you need to feel better about yourself, and then leave.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I know that the admins/mods say it a lot...It's a lot of work to deal with all of those people's crap...
  15. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Some of us you would still have to chase off with a stick, or shut the site totally down (joking of course. Don't close the doors!)
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen anyone be abused by the staff for posts like that. Some have gotten replies along the lines of "you never posted here anyway"; but that isn't rude, it's just true.

    Yeah, but if they actually left after making their goodbye post/thread then they wouldn't have seen any of the replies to it... And the site staff don't deserve all the shit that they've been given and all the drama that people are trying to cause by making their wretched goodbye threads (despite the fact that they never posted on the forum at all).
  17. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    I'll stay on this site :).