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So I guess r4 is old now.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by icefire34, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    I used to have an r4 card, it broke due to an accident. I wanted to buy a new one, so i looked everywhere for an R4 card, but everytime I went to a website they were out of stock! I finally went to this website called dealextreme.com. Not only were they out of stock, but they said that they weren't making it anymore? I actually heard about that happening earlier on, but i thought they were rumors. I did abit of research and found out that the company stopped making it because they couldn't update it. So what's the new r4? I heard of this card called TT something.... and i think it's new. However, I don't trust them entirely yet (sorry, im very cautious), but if anyone can give abit of insight to this that would be awesome.
  2. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I was wondering why Gameyeeeah wasnt offering them either.
    I guess you should get a CycloDS.
  3. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    you can get a DSTT or a M3 they are both really good.
  4. darksynyster

    darksynyster Well-Known Member

    I agree with adk. You should save your money and get a CycloDS.
  5. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    so cyclods is basically r4 except better rite?
  6. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    Yes, it works the same way.
  7. totheleft

    totheleft New Member

    i have a TT and its really good. Apparently R4 and M3 cant hold 4gig and 8gig MicroSD cards?...well TT can, thought i'd share that
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah they don't support SDHC MicroSDs. M3 is basically just the R4, so get a Cyclo, or Acekard or some thing.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Is this true? I wouldn't of thought R4 would go out of business, it was like 2nd most popular...
  10. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    I just got an R4 SDHC... Yeah, yeah, I know it's fake (didn't know when I bought it) but it works perfectly so I'm happy!
  11. wrx

    wrx New Member

    I have an M3 real with a 4 gig card in it latest european firmware, no problems as yet plays all roms available at the moment my son has the same and he has some mp3's on which sends him nicely to sleep at bedtime ....
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's popularity will slowly decrease over time, it was amazing it it's debut though.
  13. tracey_raye

    tracey_raye Active Member

    I had to pick up a R4 for a friend, I got the original version... however the next person who came in got the 'new' version. Box and everything is the same except has a yellow star in the corner of the box saying 'new'.... aparently a new company took over making them....
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    more likely its a fake one.
  15. tracey_raye

    tracey_raye Active Member

    Hmmm...I've seen the new R4 on all different sites.... anyway.... what would be the best flash card to get...CycloDS, DSTT or TTDS, Edge, etc... what exactly would be their major differences??? Since we got the R4 both kids want the DS at the same time..... so now the next major pressie will be another DS and flash card... but which one?
  16. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    CycloDS is the best one to get right now. It might be expensive, but there's no clones flying around and it has the best features:
    While playing you can:

    Real-time save (like Save States in emulators);

    activate a slow-motion mode;

    adjust the brightness.

    Plus, Action Replay is supported and CycloDS comes bundled with cheats for over 300 games to get you started.
  17. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Indeed, CycloDS is the best option, followed by Acekard and Supercard (in no order). It has a fantastic bunch of great features. You can go to www.gbatemp.net, they have detailed reviews on most flashcards (including the CycloDS, which you should see).
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Action Replay is supported on most flashcarts.. Most flashcarts have a ready loaded cheat database file.. Thanks for minime jin.
  19. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I heard they made this fake r4s called r4hd or something, and they say its "compatible with 8GB Micro SD cards).. well even if they are, they are fake, so im not bricking my ds :p however, i should start being more careful with my r4.. i could break it soon
  20. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's SDHC. Like the high capacity MicroSDs.