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So i got a vita for $15..

Discussion in 'Sony' started by rell, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    I had an ipod, that i bought for $15, traded it to my cousin (female causal gamer) for a wii, modded the wii and loaded it with games, traded it for a 320gb ps3, and traded that for a vita...yeaaa. Its the 3G model and it came with 5 games... Sheeiiiitt

    Edit, I got the ambassador model 3DS for 60$ before the price drop, and a PS Vita for $15 and 2 days of bargaining... once again, sheeiiiittt!!!!
  2. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    i bought a chewing gum for 1 euro i traded that for a chocolate flavoured ice cream traded that for a gameboy advance fixed the gameboy loaded it with games traded with a nds.loaded that with games traded for a ps3 with 150gb and true blue dongle. playing dragon dogma now.seems legit
  3. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Nice nice. This reminds me of that guy who started off with a rubber-band and ended up with a house xD
  4. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    Man: Ill trade you this AWESOME rubber band ball for that crappy 2 million dollar mansion...
    Real estate agent: seems legit

    also always wanted to work with a item chain like that......just keep trading :D
  5. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    buying 150k gold stuff on gold auction house then selling for milionz.
    diablo3:seems legit
  6. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Im going to be doing this from now on. Maybe I'll get even more lucky and get a Wii-U shortly after launch ahahahah