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So Blonde

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by caz812, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. caz812

    caz812 Member

    Please help does anyone know how i can get Olivias shop to open, I keep getting told its a half day but have been playing it for 3 days now. I really need to get One eyes hat to get on any further. (Just seen that i had wrote go blonde on last one)
  2. sweeper

    sweeper Active Member

    You cant you must sleep first .... you have too finish your objectives...like the mirror....fishing, caught a chicken...talking to everyone....
  3. caz812

    caz812 Member

    Thank you I have been trying to get a sleep but obviously i havent spoken to every one yet as it wont let me. i have made the mirror, caught the fish ,and sold some, played chicken game , fed the cat. but i dont know who iv missed out.....
  4. sweeper

    sweeper Active Member

    Did you show the mirror to max...then you got the map but i don't know sure that's the last thing to do....'When i was going back to one eye on a moment the ghost of nathaniel was there and i talked to him then to one eye and after that she is tired....hope it helps you..
  5. caz812

    caz812 Member

    Thank you that really helped back on track again. Cheers Caz
  6. EvilChick

    EvilChick Member

    can someone help me i'm stuck at the mirror and the fishing part
    don't know what to do now
  7. caz812

    caz812 Member

    The mirror you make by buying the tin plate thing from angelo. The tray you have to steal from the inn and the polish you will get at the end of the jettyfrom the painter . The fishing rod is in Nathaniels house to use it drag it down and place in the sea,river the rest it will explain. Good luck hope this helps. Caz
  8. EvilChick

    EvilChick Member

  9. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    In chapter 1, I can't get pass the dog, tells me "If I give the dog a wide berth I can get by." What do I do?
  10. caz812

    caz812 Member

    Go back to the liferaft and collect the food provisions then feed it to the dog it will stay out of your way for rest of game. Caz
  11. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Thank you Caz, this works. Now Nathaniel is at the pier, spoke to Sebastian and Sancha. How do I get to the ship? There is no arrow hotspot.
  12. caz812

    caz812 Member

    If you are at the pier walk to the bottom right of your ds screen (if you have pressed your start button all available items and arrows will flash) You should see arrow for The jetty if you are at that point in the game follow the arrow and walk to the right hand side as far as you can the painter is there at the ship. Hope this helps. Caz
  13. EvilChick

    EvilChick Member

    where can i find a basket for collecting fruit
  14. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    There is no hotspot for the jetty, only to go back to crossroads. I can get as far right on the pier where the 2 barrels are but can't get on those white rocks to right.
  15. caz812

    caz812 Member

    It is not a basket but the bucket with a cloth scrap down the bottom. Caz
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    The hot spot is not on the side with the 2 barrels but the far right had side bottom corner if you press start it will highlight all items and areas. Caz
  16. Poekie007

    Poekie007 Member

    hey, it might be a silly question, but i'm stuk at the first chapter.. i can't seem to put up her make up :/ I made de knife and I have put down the mast..

    thank you
  17. EvilChick

    EvilChick Member

    how can i get money for the rum ?? i've asked everyone but they don't have money
  18. caz812

    caz812 Member

    To put on the make up you must have picked up the coconut halves from the rock on the beach then take them to the dripping water fill them and take them to the cut out bowl shape fill that then you will see your reflection to put on make up. Caz
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    To get the money for the rum you first have to get the sea water first and lamp oil next ( in bucket)mix them pour them over hilary and ask him for the money to buy the rum . Caz
  19. EvilChick

    EvilChick Member

    how will i mix the sea water and lamp oil??
  20. caz812

    caz812 Member

    Use the bucket from inside nathaniels house its near the door. Drag it onto the sea to collect the water, then back to Nathaniels and dip bucket in tub of lamp oil.