I've been enjoying some of the music compositions uploaders did on Youtube using Mario paint. Anyone knows where I can find Mario Paint music sheets? I really want to copy those compositions onto my copy of Mario Paint & listen to them without going to youtube.
Hmm.. I gues I'll just watch those videos then pause frequently so I can copy the sheet music in the video, oh well, thanks anandjones
I'm almost 100% certain that you can't do that with the SNES version of mario paint, you have to get the PC Mario Paint Composer (I think that's what it called anyway) You can't place notes on top of each-other in the SNES version. As far as I've seen, the actual integration is just the person in question knowing how to arrange sheet music, taking traditional notes and translating them into paint.
I'm looking for some music sheets to Mario Paint Composer Titles: Kingdom Hearts (1, 2, and remixes), Code Lyoko, Dot Hack, and any other anime/games music of the sort as well as a program to change the sound at will. Does anyone know where I can find them? MarioPaintComposer.net is not letting me find them