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SNES Emulators for DS - Which one?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by DragonQuester, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Well I have SNEmulDS 0.6 which works perfectly with almost any SNES ROM, but i was always thinking:

    None of the emulators I have tried run (english) Dragon Quest I+II, V, VI properly.. I have tried Snezzi DS (doesnt even open up), SNES DS (freezes always or black screen) and SNEmulDS is the closest but usually messes up after an intro.

    Anyone know any good emulators or methods that can make me run these games properly? Thanks
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    SnemulDS is the best SNES emulator for DS. It's very buggy, bt it plays common games decently.
  3. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice jones..

    I tried Dragon Quest V, and sometimes it freezes and sometimes not (when i open the main menu or talk to people)

    But the longest time i have played it was the best.. I tried it yesterday, and i made it to a part after this first quest... Then I saved my game at the priests, recording my adventure.. A night time when i waned to play, i tried to load up my adventure but nothing had saved and it said i was at LVL1 and didnt complete anything.. I guess saving doesnt work.. I also saved using the Save State Function below on the touch screen, but the game freezes when I load it up.. I guess there is no way to play it as of yet, unless they release a newer less buggier version.