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snemulds on cyclods

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by SW4J, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    So yeah...I'm a moron and am asking for help again. Sorry about this guys, but I recently upgraded from a Cyclods to DSTWO. I placed the savestates and save files onto the DSTWO, but...it didn't recognize them.

    Savestates are: .sm# with # being the savestate slot
    Saves are: .smc
    Games are: .SRM or .sfc (many seemed to be converted to .SRM from .sfc, as I'm positive they were .sfc when I put them on the card, but now are .srm)

    Anyway it had worked fine on my cyclods for a long time, though to be fair I haven't used the SNES emulator in a long time, at least for one or two updates of cyclods firmware. Currently v1.60. Anyway after I had gotten some advice here that I just needed to save the game normally and use that save file on the DSTWO, I reuploaded them to my cycloDS card and...well the SNES folder appears completely blank when booting it up. When I look at it on my computer all files and saves and savestates are there, but on the DS it looks entirely empty and unable to access. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I've been searching for hours and to be honest, I just don't know what to do at this point. I've even downloaded new ROMs and placed them in the SNES folder, re-created the SNES folder, etc.

    Any advice? Sorry for the entirely retarded questions, but I'm the first to admit I'm not very computer savvy. Thanks guys.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Gonna simplify this for you:

    The SNES emulators you are talking about are two very different emulators. The one for the Supercard DSTwo is integrated in its firmware in such a way that it works optimally. In this respect, it is coded unlike the emulator you use on your CycloDS. The save files and save states you get on each one are very different, and nobody has created a way to convert the saves properly. This will probably never be possible.

    Basically, the saves and save states between the two emulators are not interchangeable. What you do on one will not be usable on the other.
  3. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Okay...and why aren't my games showing up on the cyclods all of a sudden now? That's the real thing that's driving me crazy at the moment.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    You can't view any of the SNES related items outside of the SNES emulator unless you have the ability to set it to view all files and not just NDS related ones. If the games aren't showing up in the game list for the emulator, that may simply be due to the fact that you have too many games and the emulator is having issues bringing up the game list because of it.
  5. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Erm, sorry if I wasn't clear before, but it was working perfectly fine on the cyclods before. I then transferred the files to a new, larger microsd card that now "belongs" to the DSTWO. I then transferred the files back to the cyclods card to see if I could save normally and use that file (at the suggestion of someone at this forum), and found I could in no way access the files while in the DS. It's the same setup and config as before when it worked fine, using the same card as before, and I even tried reinstalling the games, snemulds, etc. When I boot up the cyclods, I still do get an option for SNES, but when I enter it, it's blank.