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Discussion in 'Debates' started by Joshaz, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

    What would be the consequences if cigerettes were no longer made?
    Would the world be a better place if everyone stopped smoking? Or would everyone turn to using drugs?
    I want to hear some opinions from people about how smoking can be removed from society without any negative effects, if thats possible.
    And hey, if you're for smoking, explain why it's a postive thing.
    But my stance is that smoking is bad and should be eradicated from humanity.
  2. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    A cigarette would gain drug status.
    I don't think at this point it would be a good move.
    It's to common in society, it would be like making video games illegal.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    That topic went way over...

    Anyway, they will still be made-like any drug that is ilegal, someone would still make it...can't police the whole world...

    Sure less smokers-but those seen will be branded "illegal" just to obtain...

    Plus goverments actualy get money from cigeratte companies-hence why they aren't illegal despite the health risk.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    will never happen tax is too great on them.
    who cares if people smoke and what with people having to do it outside and off work premisses in many places it's less bothersome for those that don't smoke.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I just want the one's who break that rule to go...

    We had a law change in austrlaia-not to smoke within 10 metres of a building.

    And yet I eat my lunch outside...and here they are-4 smokers (under age to add boom) right next to me in outside eating area...THAT IS AGAISN'T THE LAW!

    ...and the wussy managers are too scared to do anything...

    Glad I quit if managers are scared to follow the law-they had all the staff to back them up-we ain't pussies like they are!

    ...I must say-smokers are jokers to pay the taxes on smoking...seriously, the money could be better spent...
  6. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Know what pisses me off more then smokers?
    the ones that go "I've been trying to quit for 14 years"
    If you wanna know how to quit, here are the steps:
    Step 1: Stop smoking

    I think my point has been driven in enough already...

    Do NOT retaliate with "Quitting isn't easy" or "You can't just stop if your addicted" Cos quite frankly you can, all the people I know who have actually DECIDED to quit, just stopped, no patches, no helplines, they stopped.
    The people who "can't quit" simply don't want to and should stop pretending to try.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's weak will power on thier part.

    I know a mate...he stopped smoking for 3 months...he reverted back.

    At times it seems as if the smoking has affected one's brain (nicotine and all) that it makes it difficult to try...

    Only those who have the determination or have alot of help (I had to help my mother do this...) can actually "just quit".
  8. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    it would probably be similar to making alcohol illegal, and it's not fair to say that quitting is that easy, the body develops a physical dependancy to nicotine.

    Besides, the government makes too much money to stop it, all goods that have strong side effects are taxed alot and is why they aren't illegal. Smokers themselves pay for all the treatment through the NHS (In the UK) through the tax on cigarettes with money to spare... if anything smokers help out the economy.

    As for me, I don't smoke cigarettes, but if they were made illegal, it would make it alot harder for me to find tobacco for my... other kind of smoke.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i gave up that easy, those that find it hard just don't really want to give up.

    you know what pisses me off more then smokers and smokers that moan about quitting, those that moan about smokers!
  10. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

    But that's the thing man, we have a right to complain because of the effects of passive smoking!
    Smoking effects the people around the smoker as well, because they can breathe in the smoke and get affected.

    And I agree with Krusha, if you really want to quit smoking then you would quit.
    Also I think that mds64 is on the right track, we need to help smokers quit smoking because it would be hard to do it on your own.
    There are many different reasons why people smoke, but in the end it's all doing the same damage and is slowly killing them.
    Oh and yeah people have said that the government does gain money from taxes and stuff from tobacco, but surely there must be a way to stop it??

    But then again, in history at school we studied Prohibition in America in the 1920's, where they banned alcohol and it resulted in the black market booming as they smuggled alcohol, and gangs formed, and then people made moonshine which was more toxic than alcohol...

    Maybe trying to remove smoking is impossible. It's just kinda sad.
  11. sephyfluff

    sephyfluff Member

    -Edit, didnt read the first post lol-

    I agree with Mikiie it'd be pretty bad. And its not like people wouldnt find ways to make their own cigs.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Passive smoking screwed up my lungs-my mother took me out to places where smokers would be plenty-I actually cough near the stuff because I can't withstand it-I was once athmatic as well :(

    But in a study I found out-not all smokers CAN quit-help or no help-because they become so intune with nicotine they...well can't
    quit-that and many tend to gain weight and thus go back to stay in shape...not that being a stick figure is a good thing!

    Then don't listen to my farther-he's akin to Hitler when it's about smokers...

    (TIP-If you look underage and you walk past him while smoking he's gonna ethier give you a lecture-or if you seem like a smart arse-a punch to the face :( -thing is he's tried it...he just hates the fact it seems almost trendy despite him not knowing why everyone may bother...)
  13. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    its like giving up a ds..... well i dont smoke.
    but thats the way i perceive things.
  14. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Smoking makes you look cool and grown up.
  15. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    [me=NekoHennuli]lights a cigarette[/me]

    Well, if some fucker would stop the making of cigarettes, I'd start to smoking pot. Way more healthier.
  16. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    Okay, I now that posts like this are totally trash:
    I think I would do quiet the same! *hrhr*

    The only problem with pot is that your memory slowly fades away...
    But cigarettes will never be damned ... they need us paying the taxes, yeah ...

    I want to quit smoking anyway, but after i finished my dissertation ....
    else the stress will lead to a heartattack ...
    smoking is sooo relaxing
  17. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    You got me there.
    I smoke only with my friends, like couple times a week. I only smoke alone, if I'm going to get a panic attack, because somking helps to it.
  18. mars427

    mars427 Well-Known Member

  19. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

  20. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    The kind of people who want to ban smoking are the reason you cant drive with a cell phone in CA. Why do people want to control everything?