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Smartphone Emulators (Android, Iphone, Windowsphone)

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by reekon_retro, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    Hello guys. Seeing as their are a lot of emulators being available on smartphones these days I'm was just wondering if you guys can make a new area for phone emulators and other phone related (java ,anroid, symbian,iphone,windowsphone) files like apps games and general news relating to new phones, etc. (Sorry if there is a similar thread, but tried searching and couldn't find any).Thanks a lot and keep up the top work on this site.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Good idea.
    This has been brought up before, but a while ago.

    The thing is that the phone is a bit out of our 'area'.
    We are a consoleish forum, and phones aren't really in that area that we cover (consoles etc.)

    I cant say what Seph or Loony might do, but that is my thought.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    my view is no, there are so many other places that could do it better than us. We're not in a position to provide support to people trying to run emulators on any of countless different phones.
  4. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

  5. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Please implant the code of Tapatalk.
    It's free for you and easy to do.
  6. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback. I use my phone to play games for consoles like SNES, GENESIS, NES, PS1. The games I downloaded here for PS1 and GBA worked great on my phone while NDS and PS2 I run on my PC (though I haven't downloaded any PS2, I use my own disks :-D). Anyway, was just a suggestion and thanks again...