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Slow Game Saves in Pokemon Black 2

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by biwot, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. biwot

    biwot Member

    When i play Pokemon Black 2 on my Desmume, everything runs perfectly smooth. However, when i go to save, even tho i am successful in the save, it takes well over a minute to complete the task. Sometimes it works fast, but almost all of the time it starts to slow down as soon as it starts.

    Normally, this wouldnt bother me, but this issue is affecting trading with my DS through Wifi Club. Everything in the Wifi club works perfectly fine, up until the last part, "Stopping Communications...". While in this window, the game slows down almost to a halt, and crashes both my DS and my emulator. I have battled myself several times now and have run into no issues, so i am 99% sure my problem is not internet related.

    Are there any technical fixes as per saving games?

    PC stats:

    i7 2600 @3.4ghz
    12gb RAM
    Nvidia GTX 580
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Did you start playing Black 2 through DeSmuME? As in, did you use another emulator or flashcard before using it with DeSmuME?
  3. biwot

    biwot Member

    I only used DesmuME. I used the 64 bit version of the one that Prectorian links in his guide for Wifi.
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then.
    Does this problem occur with any other games? Or just Pokemon?

    Oh and biwot, there is no need to post a topic for your problem. I noticed you posted in the actual thread, so you will get help there.
    Nevertheless, I'll still help you here.
  5. biwot

    biwot Member

    Well i havent played any other game, mainly because i am only interested in PB2. That and the fact that the only reason its an issue is because of the trading issue.

    I will try to do this with another game, though i dont know if the result will matter. The game itself runs exceptionally smooth.

    And i apologize about the thread, however i created it because i figured it was more of an in game issue rather than a tutorial issue.
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Well give it a go. :)
    And no problems. But you can usually post problems in those tutorials if it has something to do with your problem. prectorian should be able to help you out when he gets the time.
  7. biwot

    biwot Member

    My knowledge of DS games isnt very extensive. Do you recommend any games with a similar saving system? Or do you think i should just try White 2?
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, White 2 is a good idea.
    But most of the Pokemon games use similar (if not the same) saving systems. So you can use HG or SS if you want.
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    DeSmuMe has 2 kinds of saving type. .DSV and .DST. Try the other type from the one you're using, maybe it'll be faster.
    But as I've stated many times in this forum and elsewhere. Emulators aren't perfect clone of the real device, it has it's limitation.
    I don't know how good that computer spec of yours is, I'm not computer savvy. Maybe someone else could comment on your spec.

    But yes, running Pokémon Black and White 2 is quite heavy. You could try playing other game rom, you'll see the difference instantly.
    Or you could try SVN r4334 : http://www.mediafire.com/?jqqp1gdnbsib50g
    It's newer than the one I posted, you'll need to save the bios in the respective folders.
    But I haven't give it a go, you could read the posts made above the one you posted in my topic by 2 members.
    Sometimes, disable sound could help to up the speed by a tiny bit. Emulators really rely on the host hardware, so not much could
    be done to improve it, unless the computer is upgraded.
  10. biwot

    biwot Member

    Yea i know that emulators arent perfect. Im not too crazy about the whole thing. Only thing is just this, everything works fine.

    How do you switch to a different save type? I tried switching the extension but all it does is create a new .dsv file. I dont see the option in Path menu.

    Im trying to find a White 2 ROM. Ill let you know hjow the save is when i find it.

    EDIT: I just tried with Pokemon Platinum, and the same issue arrives, though its not AS noticeable. Its definitely there. You can REALLY tell the difference when you put the frame skip on 3 or 4, then try to save. The music slows down, Matrix style.
  11. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Definitely a problem with your emulator then.
    As prectorian said, try updating your emulator (it will still work with Wifi):

    See if that will work.
    I would normally suggest this for changing save files, except it doesn't support DeSmuME. Changing the save files might be in the settings (DeSmuME). Take another look.

    Oh and your computer specs are fine after a quick look.
    And i7 processer and 12GB of RAM should be no problem ;) (I run mine smoothly with 4GB and a dual core processor).
  12. biwot

    biwot Member

    The new updated one is giving me the 20104 code, so im trying to fix it now. However, from the looks of it, saving is still really slow. Hopefully this new one works out, and you can add this as to fixes for trading.

    After trying all the different firmwares on your list, and already having everything else setup, i am still getting 20104 code. havent been able to get passed it
    Post Merge: [time]1357801729[/time]
    Been trying to get both hte new updated one and the old one to work, but its not working. It wont get out of the 20104 error, and i had never gotten that. Tried all 3 firmware, in their folders. Nothing.
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try moving the firmware.dfc into the battery folder for r.4334. Make sure to use the correct bit version according to your Win OS.
    If you still can't make it work, then stick to r.3947 which you had got working. Like I said, I haven't given the r.4334 a try, so I can't
    explain further for the time being.

    As for the save file being slow fixing, could try to wait for Jhon 591 to assist. He's more knowledgeable about emulator setups compare to me.
    He should be online in few more hours.
  14. biwot

    biwot Member

    Ill try moving the firmware file to the battery folder.

    I tried reverting back to the old way I had it, and now that also does not work. Getting frustrated.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    DeSmuME SVN

    Thry these builds: http://www.emucr.com/2013/01/desmume-svn-r4468.html

    CPU emulation mood, use dynamic recomplender can speed up the emulation some what.

    msvcp100.dll / msvcr100.dll may are maynot be need for the emulator folder.

    Unsure about wifi on this build.
  16. biwot

    biwot Member

    Will try it out tonight when i get home. Thank you.
    Post Merge: [time]1357868563[/time]
    Before i try Jhon's advice, i tried this to see if at LEAST i can get back to the way that i had... Nothing. Im still getting 20104, even after i went back to the exact same settings i had before. And i tried all 3 firmware's, in all of the folders. Im considering redoing the whole thing, because nothing is working.

    Now im going to try Jhon's build and see if at least that works.

    EDIT: I got the original version to work with wifi again, but hte SVN version, while connects to the internet, does not want to connect to teh nintendo network. Going to retry all 3 builds one last time. However, the SVN build was just as slow as the rest with regards to saving.
    Post Merge: [time]1357886268[/time]
    Well, im just going to say that i give up. Ive tried waaaayyy too many different ways to do this with no avail (at all). Only way it works properly (upto the stopping communication error) is with prectorian's original build, with one of the dfc files. The other builds either do not load the wifi at all, or crash while trying to connect to anything. If only GameFreak allowed people get credit for view pokemon through wifi battle. Then i could just fight the ones i need, then trade them on the GTS.

    Thank you all very much, and i hope that there is a fix for this in the future. I dont want to have to take ridiculous steps just to trade a few pokemon.
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you're still able to use the old setting on SVN 3947, just stick with it then, spare you the headache. As for the save file being slow, can't do much about it, probably bear with it. PKM BW 2 is really heavy, even some flash carts running certain micro sd brand had trouble. Won't be a wonder if emulator suffer worst.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Was this option enabed for more speed ? in red on image. , can give upto 50% more.

  19. biwot

    biwot Member

    Yes. It was activated right from the beginning. Either way, your build didn't help me because the saves were still slow and wifi couldnt be connected. For now, I guess ill have to find a different eay to get the missing 4 pokemon I need.
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry for you, no$gba through no$zoomer is they most fastest methard.

    Just no wifi sadly :( .

    It's not my build, their , I would not know where to start making an emulator ;D