I upgraded to get the best out of this site but nothing is going flawlessly 1.says when upgrading unlimited speeds? well it still takes me 1-4 hrs even more to download a rom 2. says i can download 20 files/connections well i can only go to 12 3.it says completed on some roms but only downloads a portion which ends with me getting corrupted files brower: google chrome connection: laptop/wireless manger: chrono download manager roms: wii
Hi! Not good that you're running into some errors, but hopefully I can help fix some stuff up, Could I ask that you do a traceroute to the site? Will help eliminate peering and general speeds as a factor. If you don't know how, here's a guide: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/314868 Secondly, what's your general internet speed? Now that's out of the way, a few others things. I wouldn't suggest a browser-based download manager, as they're sometimes quite buggy. FDM (Free Download Manager) or IDM (Internet Download Manager) are the way to go, with FDM being good if you don't want to spend a buck. Both can also be configured to set an amount of connections to the site. What are the ROMs you're attempting to download? I can see if they're actually corrupted (though it's unlikely they are, we did a massive re-archive/check a few months back).
'unlimited speed' means we do not artificially limit the download speed. There are plenty of other factors outside of our control that can reduce download speeds, including the fact you're using wireless. Partial downloads are because the connection got interrupted, this is common when using wireless.