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Slot 2 help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by layton16, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member


    OK im going to get a EZ flash 3 in 1 (or something that backs up sav files)
    can some one direct me to were i can find loads of information on it i cant find it on GBAtemp

    I have a DS lite and i am using the r4 original
    and i am running YS menu and R4wood on different memory cards (will the EZ flash work on both of these)

  2. Sachi

    Sachi Active Member

    Re: How do I Back up Sav files from retail carts and other questions

    Can you give more info:
    1) Which system you have ? (DS/DSL/DSi/DSiXL)
    2) Do you have any Flashcart ? (Slot-1 and/or Slot-2)
    3) Do you have any Cheat device ? (Datel's ActionReplay)
    4) Do you have a DS Linker ?

    Don't get confused if you haven't heard of anything mentioned above.

    Tell me so that I can answer you better.

    About your findings:
    1) NDS_Backup_Tool_Wifi_v0.31f.z ip 208 kB Cart and save dump tool - Wifi by Rudolph
    This one seems to be a Backup tool for Flashcart users, for backup over wifi (Nintendo Wifi Connector)( Can't use for Original game carts).

    2) NDS_Backup_Tool_Slot2_v0.4.zi p 411 kB
    This one is for backup of slot-1 (NDS game slot) game/flashcart by slot-2 device ON slot-2 device. (eg. EZ flash 3in1)

    3) rein_v17.rar
    Same as above (2)
  3. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Re: How do I Back up Sav files from retail carts and other questions

    1) Which system you have? I have a DS Lite
    2) Do you have any Flashcart? Yes an R4 original
    3) Do you have any Cheat device? Yes Detals Action replay Max
    4) Do you have a DS Linker? No

    Can someone answer these questions plz
    1. Can Rein V17 do both the things i need to do then.

    2. What can a cheat device do to help me with this?

    3.Im sure this is a backup for retail cart's If it is how can i use it
    NDS_Backup_Tool_Wifi_v0.31f.z ip 208 kB Cart and save dump tool - Wifi by Rudolph

    4. If Number 3 backs up retail carts, how can i get flashcart sav's on to retailcarts.

  4. Sachi

    Sachi Active Member

    Re: How do I Back up Sav files from retail carts and other questions

    1. For backing up retail carts you need a Slot-2 cart [Which goes in your GBA slot (at bottom of DS lite)] and a Homebrew app.
    I don't have a slot-2 cart so I can't say which program can be used, Rein may be used but I cant say it for sure.

    2. Some cheat devices can back-up your save (That's what I read somewhere) from retail-cart to PC.
    I don't have one so don't know how to do it.

    3. If you are sure about it is for retail-carts , It will require a direct connection to your PC via Wifi , you need a supported wifi card in your PC/notebook , you can't use your router, it is if you use it ! (best bet is Nintendo Wifi Connector)

    4. Flash carts use many different formats for saving. R4 uses 512kB sav files (in Original Kernel and Wood R4). You first need to convert it to appropriate format depending on game. Then you can use it. BUT AS IN ANS 1&2 I can't say for sure how to do it.

    :-X Sorry for not being so helpful but I also thought of the same thing a while ago.
    I couldn't get a Slot-2 cart so I gave up.

    We could wait for someone to reply who has a Slot-2 flash-cart.

    It narrows down to one question: Do you have a slot-2 Flash cart ?
  5. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Re: How do I Back up Sav files from retail carts and other questions

    OK thanks for all your help, It has helped quite a bit

    Can some one help me with number 2 : what can a cheat device do to help me with the things i need to do.
    (i searched it in google and couldnt find anything)

    I do have a Nintendo Wifi Connector but i think i will get a slot 2 device (if the cheat device thing doesn't work)
    What slot 2 devices can i get to help me with backing up my games (i have a R4 original) (also what homebrew will i have 2 use) (is rein v17 the homebrew)
    And is thre a tutorial of how to do it somewhere

  6. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Re: How do I Back up Sav files from retail carts and other questions

    OK im going to get a EZ flash 3 in 1 (or something to back up sav files)
    can some one direct me to were i can find loads of information on it i cant find it on GBAtemp

    I have a DS lite and i am using the r4 original
    and i am running YS menu and R4wood on different memory cards (will the EZ flash work on both of these)

  7. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    can some one plz help me
  8. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    That's a very useful article. And Wood R4 supports the EZFlash 3in1 really well. I think with Ysmenu you'd need a loader (like GBAExploader), but with Wood R4 you just choose the game to load and it plays. But I'd go into the settings of Wood R4 and go to the GBA settings and set "backup save at startup" to "on". Then, after playing a GBA game, next time you turn your DS on, it'll automatically backup your save file to your MicroSD.
  9. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks FreudianLemur

    could some one answer some questions

    1. could some one tell me how this works (i will be using wood r4 with an original r4)
    (do i just put the game on to the slot 1 device then i can load them up from there or do i need a 3rd party product/firmwire to do this)
    Such as GBA Exploader which does this (GBA ROM Loader and Patcher / Hardware Enabling)

    2. can this also back up retail carts .sav data (by its self or do u have to use a third party thing)
    i found this (will this help me with this)
    NDS backup tool by rudolph: Utilizes the NOR Flash Memory and SRAM. This homebrew application can send or backup save information stored an original DS game cartridge. Furthermore, NDS Backup Tool 3in1 can backup original carts as ROMs


  10. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    1. With Wood R4, you just put the roms on your Micro SD and just load the game like you would with a DS rom. But I would advise you do what I said in my other post:
    2. Yeah, you can copy saves out of real game carts and copy the whole ROM from a real game cart, but you need to use Rudolph's NDS Backup Tool (pretty simple to use).

    Byt the way, thanks so much for numbering all you questions like that, it makes it so much easier to answer.
  11. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    NO problem and thanks for all your help

    final questions before i get one of these

    1. What kind of emulators can u get i know u can get SNEmulDS (a SNes emulator) but can u get a NES emulator as well and can these both be on your DS at once)

    2. if i add something like this Lameboy (which gives GB/GBC games the rumble feature were do i out this in my slot 1 cart.

    3. can some one post me a link that show me how to back up retail .sav using rudolphs back up tool/ or show me how to actually set this up (a video would be more usefull though

  12. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    1. SNES and NES emulators don't need a slot-2 card. SnemulDS is pretty much the best one, but there are a lot of games it can't play. As for NES, I'm not sure, but I know people have said there is a really good one.

    2. I'm not sure if Lameboy will be able to use the rumble or not, but you should already be able to use it without a slot-2 card. Just put the roms in the right folder (can't remember what to call it, but the readme should say) and the .nds file anywhere.

    3. I don't know much about that, I've never tried. But apparently it's pretty simple. As for setting it up to play GBA games, just plug in and play.
  13. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    ok thank you for all your help
    you have helped me so much

    finally does dome on know were i order one, If it help i live in the UK is there any really reliable site i could order one from

    again thanks
  14. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    ShopTemp is reliable and pretty chep, but you might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere.
  15. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Ok i will order that i just need to dind out if they ship to the UK
  16. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mention, free worldwide shipping. However, it's not the fastest ever. It's shipping from china.
  17. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    OK thanks
    Post Merge: [time]1279451124[/time]
    Right last question (probably until i get it)

    1. Does the rumble funtion have to be on (i heard it can break the DS if on too load obviously)

    2. i heard they dont last long after a while the 3in1 starts to act up.

    3. Even though it can only play onr GBA game can i have others in my slot 1 cart
  18. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    1. You can set the rumble how you want it. You select the DS game you want to use rumble with (the game has to support the rumble, you can't make any game you want use rumble. This is a full list of all the games that use rumble), press Y, then Y again to go into that games settings, then set "Rumble strength" to off, low, middle, or high.

    2. I've had mine for about 5 months and it's still working perfectly. Some people claim that theirs came with a dead battery, but mine was fine.

    3. You can have as many games as you can fit on your MicroSD card.
    But the EZ 3in1 has three memory slots:

    One is for your save file for whatever game you last played (that relies on the battery so that's why I set it to backup my save as soon as I turn my DS on).

    The other is the quick, temporary memory which it loads a game to when you want to play it, but as soon as you turn off your DS, it's gone again (not your save, just the rom, but that's saved on your MicroSD anyway). That memory can fit most normal GBA roms in, but a few games are too big, so they have to go to the third memory.

    The third part of the memory is bigger than the other, and it's permanent, so the rom will stay there even when you switch the DS off. But it's really slow to copy a game to, and you don't want to keep changing the game on it all the time becaue it does slowly wear it out.

    So basically, for nearly all the games, you just press A an play. But for a few games that are bigger than normal, you still just press A, but it'll be really slow at putting the game onto the 3in1 becaue it has to use the bigger memory. But next time you play that game, as long as you haven't put a different big game in that memory, it'll load instantly.

    Sorry for the long post, I hope it's not too confusing.
  19. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    does any 1 know if there is a Nes and SNES emulator that work with only the slot 1 flashcart (so one that doesnt use Slot 2)

  20. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    For NES: nesDS
    For SNES: SNEmulDS

    Finding the latest versions for these respective emulators should be very easy. The SNES emulation is far from perfect, even with slot 2 support it doesn't work too horribly well. It can play most simple SNES games, but many games have minor sound or graphical issues. Games that used a special chip in the original cartridge aren't supported at all.

    nesDS works pretty much flawlessly. I've been very satisfied with it.