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Sleep Deprivation Effects (Hallucinations and what not)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PeachMilk, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    Hello, friends. Let’s discuss as the title reads. What usually happens to you when you’ve stayed up way past your bedtime?
    Ever been awake so long that you’ve experienced hallucinations? Or maybe you have some sort of medical/mental disorder that already helps you do that.
    Either auditory ( hearing voices, knocking, babies crying etc etc.), visual ( seeing people who aren’t there, flashing lights, shapes, “breathing” shadows), or any type of hallucination.
    Micro sleep, anyone?

    As of right now I’ve been awake for 58 hours. For someone who has paranoia and can get scared over pretty much anything I can’t say I’m having fun.

    Last time this happened to me when I was a bit younger apparently I literally ran into the bird cage resting on top of a small table and traveled from across the hall with it right into my mom then told her I was walking to the bathroom. With no actual memory of it.

    According to what I wrote last night on my itouch note pad :
    I was hoping my fridge wouldn’t talk to me, I refused to go back in my room because there were “wine red bugs” crawling on the wall and the splattered paint looked like it was watching me.
    “When walking it feels like I have the feet of a three year old. They feel so light and small. Like one of those old Chinese children who had their feet bound”, one of my mom’s many nesting dolls was staring at me and had fangs on its cheek, I couldn’t look at my dog since one of his eyes looked red in the middle and he was “glaring”.
    “I swear to the bologna in Lunchable’s that my dog’s pillow is a penguin”.
    Last but not least I wanted to jump down the stairs in slow motion because I wanted my feet to turn into skateboards at the bottom.

    Aside from those I hear/d clear knocking, I heard “guu”ing, and every time I tried to fall asleep a voice said something to me I can’t remember, so I’d wake up. Mind you, no one was awake at the time.

    I see flashing lights, my vision is like... when you've been inside playing video games in the dark and then step outside into the light and I can’t even figure out the face on the Jesus picture hanging on my dad’s wall. My dad’s guns are “breathing”, the water I’m drinking tastes like watermelon, and the smudges on my dad’s wall are moving.

    I feel like shit, I can’t fall asleep and I’m exhausted. When I do get sleep and read this I’m probably going to feel pretty silly.

    Your experiences, go!
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Ive been up for around 3 days a few times, ive never hallucinated or anything like that.
    I get moody(so bad you wouldn't believe), I literally will not move unless forced to, I have no appetite and constantly feel cold etc. just totally drained.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've done 43.5 hours with no ill effects.
  4. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a big pain, mister.

    Perhaps it's the paranoia and anxiety that's edging it on for me.
  5. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I challenged myself to see how many days I can go without sleep. What a failure I was! Halfway through the second day, I started tripping balls! I was freaking out at work, so the boss had to send me home. It was even worse when I had to drive back home as I saw stupid kids on pink elephants all over the damn road, but I didn't hesitate to run them over.

    When I got home, I just went to sleep. I will never do such a thing like that again!
  6. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Hmmm.. I've only gone about 48 or so hours of no sleep, Havn't really had many bad side effects, other than while driving i suddenly seemed to skip through time and i was halfway through the lanes for some reason. I think i fell asleep.
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I think the longest I've gone was 44 hours. No side effects other than being pretty damn tired once I ran out of stuff to do.

    Hallucinations sound fun. I might try again once I have time to spare for insanity.
  8. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    i'm a light weight and really do need my sleep- few months ago when i would stay up late to revise, i would start hearing things- small taps, etc. I just tried to train myself to cope with less sleep- i can just about get by with about 4 hours a day now. But since exams are over, there's no need for that!
  9. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I can do 48 hours with no problems every few months or so, but once I go out it would take near Armageddon to wake me, I almost made it 60 hours once but I got so dizzy and I couldn't hold a single thought together and either I would be a total zombie or very, very irritable after that when I slept it was almost 24 hours and let me tell you I felt like shit hit with a semi twice over and I never did it again.
  10. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Longest I went without sleep is around 30 or so hours.

    I felt like utter crap. Couldn't focus, highly irritable, and of course, hallucinations.

    Damn hallucinations. The one I remember most, is that zebra that kept making tapping noises.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I always see shit and always talk to myself even if I'm sleeping, doesn't help gaming every spare moment of your entire life :(

    I done a day before, if anything I had less ill effects...probably because I was working (from work, odd hour shift, home, chorus) unlike normal where I'm relaxed and let my mind drift...

    BTW, weirdest one (bear in mind I was 15 and had a cold) was when I thought that was a black hole in my room that suddenly shown up right over my bed...I ran out to tell my father and he looked at me with a "wtf" kind of look, after that I snapped to reality...smacked my head on the bed post and then got some sleep.

    I had colds/fevers, can't sleep (Only had 3 hours sleep just before).

    [me=hYpNoS]summons his always sleep deprived friend[/me]

    EDIT:Damn looks like they are a night owl instead :(
  12. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    theres a dark cloud in my kitchen......and i cant see past it
    btw this is right now
  13. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member


    Well I've gone a week in sleepless hell and I can honestly say that I have done more than hallucinate.... I usually stay up 2-3 days, then crash for 8 hours afterward.

    If I'm up past 36 hours I get a little kinky(I don't even know why.. >_>). More than enough people know of this.. It's a bit fun, but meh...

    Past 72 hours I start seeing things. I remember going to school one day after being awake for 3 days. I saw a girl come up to me with a knife, and just as she was about to slit my throat, she disappeared.. I watch too many scary movies...

    If I'm ever slightly sleepy, I have painful headaches and my eyes turn dark red. If I have a fever while I'm sleepy, my vision starts to get blurry and I'm just blind for the rest of the time I sit awake, except for these unusually clear people sitting in my room..
  14. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    my body feels "balanced" and i feel bloated. after 1 and half a day, i'd hit the floor if i didn't have the willpower to slump myself on the couch....
    i can only remember partial effects of what i do if i manage to stay awake during the 2nd night, i sometimes move without any incentive and open my door to go downstairs.
    hallucinating voices may not be possible for me considering my mind is packed with noise every night... pain in the ass to sleep sometimes and i nearly stayed up the day before ACT...
    also, i tend to remember things i don't really remember experiencing despite the fact it actually happened, and that really scares me...
  15. mallardman

    mallardman Active Member

    I have seizures when I don't sleep for 48 hours.
  16. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    This happens quite often. When I was first introduced to Bleach and wanted to read the whole thing as fast as possible to catch up with other friends that were already waiting for new issues(it had 398 chapters, as far as I know), I went up on a reading spree and was able to read all 398 chapter in just 48 hours. 48 hours straight, only making small pauses after 20 or 30 issues. And I do that sometimes...

    I want to see if I could spent 1 week awake, but probably will not end well, XD.
  17. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    i stayed up for 3 days, went outside to the garage and got woke up in the yard....apparently i slipped in mud and passed out right there haha, i feel drunk as hell after 48 hours then i start seeing random shit out of the corner of my eyes and i try to enjoy it. though i think it really does eat away at your sanity
  18. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    there r cracks and holes in the walls
    my pillowcase is looking like my favorite cat
    and i see knives and ppl fly at me
  19. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    58 hours... i can't even stay up for 15 hours without getting any sleep. the longest hours i can stay awake is 18 hours, that's like almost half a day only. it's quite hard for me to deal with this sleep disorder, i can't control extreme sleepiness. and i haven't experienced any hallucinations, but most of the time in my dreams. very bad dreams and nightmares.
  20. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member