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Skyrim Character Builds Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Avatar33, Dec 21, 2011.


Do you like Skyrim's UI?

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  1. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    Okay, so we all know that Skyrim has been out for a month now and I was wondering what type of character builds do you use?
    So I made this. The place where all Skyrim players can discuss their character builds, so I'll start.

    I'm playing the very typical Battlemage build. With an axe in my right and spell in my left. The skills I'm focusing in are:
    • Alteration
    Mainly for the flesh spells to bump up my armor rating (great at low levels)
    • Restoration
    To heal obviously and cast wards when up against mages
    • Destruction
    For casting shock spells (I used fire in my other play through and they help against mages), plus I've always wanted to cast an electrified Kamehamha
    • Enchanting
    For making armor have enchantments so that Destruction has barely any cost
    • Smithing
    For making Daedric Armor and Weapons
    • Heavy Armor
    For protection obviously
    • One-Handed
    So my axes do damage

    And that's all. I'll probably go into conjuration later for levels by just conjuring a sword.

    So how do you guys and girls play your character, and before I forget I just added a poll to ask if you like the game's UI. I personally like the the UI (maybe that's cause I use a console instead of a PC).

    So that's my build, what is yours?
  2. joshua.rozario

    joshua.rozario Well-Known Member

    mines one-handed, heavy armor, sneak, smithing, archery, destruction, restoration, conjuration and restoration im basically all rounded khajiit btw :D