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Skies of Arcadia Saving Issue on Wii

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by spweasel, Oct 8, 2009.

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  1. spweasel

    spweasel Member

    I apologize in advance if this has been answered here before, but I didn't find anything via the search function.

    Several days ago, I obtained the Skies of Arcadia: Legends iso from this site, burnt it to a DVD+R (Phillips brand) with imgburn, and deleted the original iso (I needed the disk space). It verified fine and seemed to play and save well on Neogamma R7 (default settings), so I moved on to testing the next backup disk I created.

    Then, last night, I booted up the game and it didn't recognize the save I had made, despite the fact that it showed up fine in the Wii data manager. After getting back to the first save point, I noticed that the slot where I had saved had become corrupted, so I saved and reset. No continue option.

    Thinking it might have been a bad burn, I ripped the iso from the DVD and loaded it up into Dolphin. Despite the fact that it was unplayably slow and most polygons could only be seen in wireframe mode, it saved just fine.

    Now, I know that DVD-Rs are preferable to +Rs, but the other games I tested (Super Mario Sunshine and a couple Wii games) worked and saved fine. Do I just need to invest in some DVD-Rs or is there some deeper issue?

    TL;DR version: Burnt SoA:L to DVD+R with imgburn, used Neogamma R7, save files read as corrupted. Saved fine on Dolphin. Not sure if DVD-R would solve problem.
  2. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    is your wii soft modded?? or do you just use the backup channels??
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    All back up games are usually in dvd- and not +.

    (But still, it should still save if your able to play it-regardless of the disc)

    Anything else is worse.

    Now...why may I ask, is this gamecube game able to save on the wii's memory?

    I use gc memory cards-but mine ain't modified...yet.

    (It's not a bad burn-it should affect the saves-if youm prehaps tried using a real gc card it might work better as the wii's memory wasn't designed to hold gc data-but like I said I'm not experienced in gc backups on a wii-just gc backups on a gc XD)
  4. spweasel

    spweasel Member

    Ok, then, I'll clarify a little more. My Wii is softmodded about as much as possible. Bootmii as Boot2, patched ios's, the works. It runs *cough* "perfectly legal backups" *cough* just fine, whether from disk or from the external HD I have hooked up. The only game I've had issue with thus far is saving on this one (and I've tried both GC and Wii games).

    The only reason I used DVD+R's is because that's what I had sitting around (I found a 10 pack for $4 a while back). I only got into Wii modding/homebrew a little over a week ago, so I still haven't used all my disks or entirely gotten the hang of it.

    And I am using an original Nintendo brand GC memory card, I only checked the existence of the save from the Wii data management menu. In fact, I don't think there's any way of saving GC game saves directly to the Wii memory since it doesn't have any access to it while running in Gamecube mode.

    Regardless, I doubt that it's that big a deal. Most likely, I'll just need to either invest in some DVD-R's or re-download SoA (I'm sitting on 24k points, so can afford to shell a few out if needed). I'd just like to know which. Or, if this is regular problem with this game when being run on a Wii (backup or otherwise), it would be nice to know not to bother with it.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok...then another question...

    What kinda of gc memory card is it?

    3rd party...or the white official gc memory card have...isssues...

    I know :(

    (And don't worry-i rip psp games and sell them while keeping the isos XD)
  6. spweasel

    spweasel Member

    As I said, it's an official, Nintendo-brand, black, GameCube memory card.

    I just got done testing it, though, and using the "press B to use patched MIOS to start" option seems to have fixed the problem. Finding the real first save point also made a difference, since I was thinking it wasn't until after the first boss. Took significantly less time to get to a save point than previous tests.

    Since I already have this open, would anybody care to explain to me what they meant by "patched MIOS"? I understand what they mean by patched, and I have a general understanding of the MIOS part, but I'm not sure why it needed to be patched in order to run properly.

    From what I understand, the MIOS actually patches the GameCube game when it's launched. Is that option on the loader implying that it is just using MIOS to patch the game, or that it is patching MIOS itself so that the game will run? If it is the first, it is improperly worded. If it is the second, that would seem to imply that regular MIOS (i.e. those on unmodified Wiis) would have the same saving issue with the game I had.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    (wow-sounds complicated-sticking to my modded gamecube...but that is odd...must be a wii issue...or something else..)
  8. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    i guess i didnt read the topic good enough,but you should NEVER burn wii games to dvd+r,it messes up the wii lazer,somethin about stressing it out too much,not sure,but i know that you shouldnt do.my friend's wii is only good for homebrew and wii channels ect.
    try burnin to dvd-r andd see what happens.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It still doesn't help the issue at hand-though it may save the wii's laser if it was re-done.
  10. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    yea,but maybe if its on dvd-r it will work right,and some gamecube games dont work at all unless burned to a mini dvd-r.
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