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Single case against "common" music downloader...

Discussion in 'General News' started by mds64, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    (taken from hearld sun newspaper-today's date-news in brief section)

    "Download trial"

    A university graduate was "a kid who did what kids do" when he swapped songs through file-sharing networks, his lawer said.
    In the second music downloading cases against an individual to go to trial, recording labels accuse Joel Tenenbaum, 25, of Rhode Island of downloading and distributing 30 songs, though the companies say he had distributed many more.


    WTF-man if they caught me I'd get life!!!

    150 songs, countless from rom sites...sheesh...

    I always thought they punished the site's themselves.

    Must have been torrenting-I stopped using torrents since I found out they can track you-and I refuse to use the tools since I was still learning torrents-might stuff up the program...and get caught for my efforts...

    ...what do you fellow pirates think :)
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    150 songs is really nothing...The music industry is just overreacting.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Because I work in retail, I think of it this way...

    "each loss is a dollar out of your pay"

    Sure they all seem to be aimed at this poor guy (and I know 150 songs is nothing-but it's more than the poor dude's possible amount :( )...

    Thing is-a loss is a loss-you'd want to protect it-the punishment is always greater than the crime-or it should be.

    Try this-at Woolworths australia they are selling prepaid sim cards, each cost 2 dollars...

    But for each one stolen-it's a $10 dollar loss...

    If music downloads went to $1 per song-I may consider buying them-until then-I'll stick to bargin bin metal :)

    (no torrents-no free music for me anymore)
  4. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    You may have heard about that American woman who was convicted of downloading 28 or so songs, and was charged several thousand dollars for each one.

    That's definitely an overreaction.
  5. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    they can track torrent downloads? i didnt knew that...
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    With some torrents, it has some sort of tracking bug that finds your ip (logs it) and auto-sends an email-as another user has said once before...

    Torrents downside if people can see your ip-big companies pay certaain people to make "tracking" torrents.

    Look it up on wikipedia-"torrents"
  7. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Now your starting to make me paranoid :(
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    How do you think I feel?

    When I wiki'd torrents-I found that out-you could hide it-but it's too much trouble for me.

    And one user here has been issued a warning-actually make that 2 users (one doesn't care because he is in...africa I think he said-no real power-and the other is recent-non-emulation help I think it's in.)

    Metallica-"sad but true"
  9. dracky w

    dracky w Well-Known Member

    That was me.(south africa)
    btw you cant really have losses against piracy cause if a song costs like $5 and once you buy it it still there
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The music industry, and the RIAA especially have a very long history of blowing things completely out of proportion and going to extremes to maintain their stranglehold on the sector. (Anyone remember cassette tapes?). What needs to happen is a senior judge needs to slam down on them and tell them they're being ridiculous and digital music is not illegal. A cap on damages for illegally sharing songs, say $100 a song, wouldn't go amiss either. No way have they lost $8,000 from one song being shared.
  11. dracky w

    dracky w Well-Known Member

    they could be talking about potential sales however
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    But not everyone does that-how many people do we know actually pay for music downloads...

    And for those who have very technological friends (fellow gamers) how many would a buy a cd?

    Zero-me and my mates just share cd's and burn.

    Depends if it's new and popular-but remember-how many people are on this planet?

    We cannot underestimate sheer unknown numbers...

    Like tram tickets here-if people don't validate-they are unknown-thus why we have a shortage of trains and trams here-they simply can't see the number...

    With pirating-there are people who as we all know, download then sell-absurd I know-but thier clients will never get caught online if done person to person-it's why market stalls selling pirated dvd's do so well-only the stall it's self may get caught-not the buyers.

    I reckon even $10,000 isn't out of the question-or prehaps $100,000 for that matter...unless we can measure everyone in the world, which can't happen-who'd be stupid enough to risk showing themselves?
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