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Sims 3 3DS: Sim won't fix computer

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by treec_cynda, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    At some point, I tried to find a good price for another house (one that is bigger and doesn't have 3D problems). My Sim screwed up and broke the computer. EVERY single time I tried to fix it my Sim got shocked. It's still broken. How do I fix this?

    Thanks for answers.
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Read books ?
  3. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i tried sims 3 and found it too easy must be my lust for voilence

    all hail zelda and fire emblem
    and golden sun
  4. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Why the fudge arnt you banned. Your pointless post is soo annoying.
    Also you bought sims expecting it to be violent, what is wrong with you.

    On-topic. Can't you call a technician to come repair it.
  5. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    The Sims 3 isn't like the Sims 2, where you can repair anything regardless of the Mechanical skill. Your Sim has to have a high enough Mechanical skill or you can't repair shit. If you don't want to spend the time reading skill books or tinkering with other electronics, call a repairman. It only costs §50 per hour, plus a §10 house call fee, so unless you're broke you'll probably be able to pay for the repair of ONE thing.

    However, do NOT continue to attempt repairing the computer. Getting shocked by repairing electronic items can occasionally kill Sims.
  6. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    No, you can't call a technician to come repair it. I've tried that.

    The deal is, this is the first time it wouldn't work.

    UPDATE: It worked now, nvm.
  7. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    its really what in into justbeinghonest plus you cant be banned for posting your own opinion plus there's people alot worse than me out there im practically nobody
  8. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    You can be banned for:
    1. Posting off-topic bullshit like you did in this thread (Yes, you were talking about Sims 3, but you WEREN'T trying to help OP. This isn't a comment topic, this is a help OP with his problem topic!)
    2. Asking for ROMs that OBVIOUSLY don't exist yet (either due to not being dumped and not waiting a month to ask for it, or asking for the ROM MONTHS away from actually being released)
    3. REPEATEDLY lying about the emulation of things that aren't yet able to be opened by anything, let alone emulated. (i.e. Your cousin is not and has never started creating a working 3DS Emulator)
    4. REPEATEDLY posting topics in the wrong sections.

    But I may be wrong. Quote me on this. LOL
  9. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    um my cousin DID work on a emulator but scrapped it as he said it was a thankless job

    1. i havent asked for roms for a long time

    2. i havent said that for a while either

    3. everyone makes mistakes its human nature

    but im not like that now so cut bringing up past references
  10. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    As everyone has said before... You had no proof, therefore it did not exist.

    1. Alright then.
    2. Okay.
    3. Sometimes, it's not a mistake if you do it enough times.

    Well, one of those references were very current, so you can't say ALL of them were past references.
  11. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    ok point taken i guess my way of explaing my opinion is a little different
    so now thats out the way shall we all ofrget this and talk about what the topic is really about

    but with the sims 3 and the broken pc im not sure if this is possible but a visitor might get the oc fixed when visiting your sims home but then again im no pro at the game