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SIMCity 4 just doesn't want to Die, doesn't it?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So yes, the game's already eight years old & games like SIMCity Societies & CitiesXL have better graphics ang added functionalities than it, but still the game still has a lot to offer :)

    Well yeah, I'm kinda ranting about those two games (as well as The SIMs 3) being out of my system's specification capabilities, but I just recently found out about a lot of cool tweaks, mods & custom content that add a helluva a lot more replay value to it, thanks to sites like SIMtropolis & SC4Devotion. Things like new road types (the NAM or Network addon Mod) made me go wow! But what really got me crazy were custom lots made by fellow Filipinos, namely:

    Jollibee which is our local version of McDonald's:

    Cityplace Binondo, a Building somewhere in Binondo in Manila

    And the Batasan Complex which is where the house of the Representative convene

    And here's one Calvin_0 might like:

    The Ghostbusters' Firehouse

    I've even found Stuff which are videogame references like the Altar of the Triforce:

    Which not only is impressive but wicked ass huge as well!

    And in retrospect, a green pipe from the Mario games though not that bad, but does nothing though.

    And I'm still discovering more!

    Too bad though now that I've 133mb of plug ins for the game, now I've started encountering Crash to Desktop (CTD) instances, well once so far which as I've read around is pretty normal LOL!
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    No it's not.

    A-ahem. A some screenshots would be good. I'm interested to know what you made using those mods.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I didn't make these, they were created by people on simtropolis. About screenshots, I actually initially tried that, but hotlinking pictures from simtropolis is tricky. Some you can hotlink, others you can't.

    And according to what I've read in their forums, these people use things like SC4Tool, GMax, 3ds... no, it's not Nintendo's new handheld console, & something called B.A.T. (Building Architecture Tool).
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    3ds-max. it's a 3d modelling program by autodesk.
  5. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    SC4Tools are used to import and export the maps and some of the animations in the lot files. BAT is a plug-in for GMax and there are a few problems associated with using 3ds-max for modelling lot files (something to do with compatibility).

    Yes, there are a LOT of modders and custom content creators for SC4. SimCity 4 is still regarded as one of the best city-building simulation games to date. Not even SimCity Societies or CitiesXL can match SC4's unique and difficult gameplay. SimCity Societies (severely lacking) and CitiesXL (online gameplay is meh) only look prettier, that's it.
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Decided to just necro-post on here & use it as my CJ (City Journal) for showcasing what ever I create in SIMCity 4 using several of these Mods & custom buildings that I am currently using.

    I know starting a CJ or MD (Mayor's Diary) is something I should be doing at a SIMCity4 community but hey, RomUlation is teh first online community I became a part of & one I consider a virtual home so naturally I want to do this here. And besides, this is only meant for fun as I don't think I can truly make a decent CJ where a lot is being shown happening all the time :)

    So anyhoo....

    Presenting, the world's most top secret government cover up...

    "The Errant Human Reprogramming Asylum FacilitY" or what is simply coined "Project Therapy".

    A place where criminal violators OF ANY OFFENSE are brought in to be "rehabilitated" before they are sent back into society.

    This facility boasts a tight security force comprised of both human & robotic personnel who "will shoot on sight even if they say you'll have 20 seconds to put down your weapon & comply".

    Minor offenders, such as "playing hookie", making out in public or loitering are sent to the "minimal TEHRAFy" complex where they are made to realize that PDA's & procrastinating are bad habits that MUST be eliminated if human society ever wants to progress.

    Petty criminal offenders like shoplifters, drug addicts & pickpockets are sent to the "Orderly Conduct Programming Headquarters" or simple "OCP HQ" to be brainwashed.. err, reprogrammed, uh I mean "persuaded" into mending their ways.

    Light to medium criminal offenders are sent to this facility to have their brains extracted (literally extruded out of their skulls :eek:), tanned in the sun for 48 hours, rehydrated & is reformatted & is uploaded with "Good human values & proper conduct" "memories". Before these types get released into the public the TEHRAFy" personnel give them brand new identities & a "good" job" to work in & start a new life.

    Those who are high level, violent criminals & are simply non-reprogrammable are either sent to the facility's "weird & inhumane experimentation facility" (PEG Area 52, that building in my second photograph that has "rooms" or facilities dug under the ground) to be used as guinea pigs in experiments for new products such as TEHRAFy's excellent "Cherokee Hair Tampons" & "All Natural Ball Juice". Or worse, they are simply shot dead & buried in the facility's cemetery. However, a "better" (meaning more insidiously inhumane >:D) alternative is in the pipeline where these high level criminals will be subjugated & made into fuel to power SIMnation, all that's left is for the Elites to forced the President to sign the papers for the construction of these facilities....



    P.S.: I could have used the Matrix Power Stations a long time ago, but they are buggy. They do produce electricity but their prison function is not working.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens



    The Illuminati have succeeded in extorting the President of SIMnation to sign the Documents for the production of Project "Matrix".


    Project "Matrix" is the world's most advanced incarceration facility that has been developed to house the most hardened & clinically insane criminals in all of SIMnation. In addition to keeping the most vile of individuals out of SIMsociety, Project "Matrix" is also the world's first Human Bio-energy extraction facility where human bio-electrical energy is collected & is distributed as Commercial electrical energy.


    God only knows what inhumane maltreatment these criminals are being subjected to in those pods but at least they are giving back to society instead of harming it.

    Exhausted.... or shall we say, "dead batteries" are no longer buried in the compound's cemetery as it is included as a support clause in Project "Matrix" paperwork that all high level criminals hereafter termed "batteries" are no longer fit to be a part of SIMsociety & are therefore non-individual beings. As a result, dead batteries are simply sent to the compound's dumping grounds hereafter termed "The Hot Pot" where the bio-chemically treated remains are left to decompose naturally.

    As for the site of the old cemetery.... The plot of land was developed to accommodate two new vital installations for the entire compound. The bigger tower on the left is known as Project "Cloak of Invisibility" a structure that hinders all forms of detection such as GPS tracking & Radar detection from revealing what is being hidden (Project "Matrix") inside the facility from the public eye.

    The smaller installation on the right is known as Project "Simon Says", a device used to hinder any & all outside forces such as unexpected civilians who've accidentally discovered what is inside the compound & unwanted snooping reporters from ever recalling what they've witnessed while inside.


    Another recent addition to the compound is this Staff housing (Barracks) Facility...


    .... where seedy amenities such as this are on offer 24/7.


    Meanwhile, within the inner confines of the "weird & inhumane experimentation facility", the next generation of Criminal intent reformation tools & programs are being developed. What new tools & techniques for correcting crime will these brilliant Scientists come up with next?


    One thing is certain though.... you don't want to ever get caught doing crime in this nation.....
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I have SC4 deluxe somewhere but I can't remember if I ever played it. I'm gonna install it later and have a go.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    If you ever do, I suggest you at least get the NAM (Network Addon Mod) as your first mod as it adds a whole bunch of new transport options like a Canal (waterway) transport system & a ground light rail.

    And I do apologize if I will be double if not multi-posting on here as I decided to use this thread for my CJ. Anyway if I did start a whole new thread for a CJ I might still multi-post (& probably necro-post) whenever I have new updates from a city I'll be playing. Incidentally, this compound will be a part of a city (small agricultural town actually) that I will be developing & I hope you guys will enjoy what I'll be building :D