This is my first tutorial ever, so please tell me any mistakes and i will correct them. This was made using Photoshop CS3. The renders i used were and
from the end of step 4 you forgot blank lines after each step, it makes it a bit daunting to read. Also if you're planning to let people follow it you should provide the source files, either as file attachments or links.
´´Step 2. Duplicate the background layer and paste render onto a new layer´´ There is no need to paste... you can just drag it but whatever... ^^' But that was simple and good tut for a first sig, I know many ''worse'' ´´first sig tuts´´ There is a url at step 5 [You may use any render you want if I understood that step well ... lol]
great tut backgroudn lloks great but i woudl suggest makign a new layer and set it to overlay then brushign aroudn the edges of him to look like the glow is bursting also since its more ofa golden them you could do a few layers of layer>newadjustment layer > color balance and get diffretn shades of yellow all settign them to filter> render > clouds
I really need to get back into sig making.... Very nice tut, easy to follow and a pretty nice result. Great use of blending modes