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should WOOD work on www.r4igold.cn cart

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Dannymizer, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    I didn't try it as I don't know if it will damage anything.

    My card is the same as the one in the website listed on the card label but instead of having the letters "3D" in that black star like splash looking thing on the sticker just under the i in R4i, I have "v1.5" in that spot.
  2. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  3. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    I was hoping it would since my card doesn't play some of the roms like pokemon conquest and many others as well. Card also doesn't work with dsi v 1.4.1U but it works with v1.4U and DS Lite's. There isn't any new firmware for this card so I guess I either have to live with what it can still play or get a new one.
    Post Merge: [time]1342706664[/time]
    Would any of those listed on this thread you linked work on my card? If so, which should I try?
  4. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    See the spoilers below, it shows the flashcard compactiblithingy list about what works on what.
    If u react int that topic its more likely i can help u more.
  5. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Looks like I may never know if wood works on this cart. I ran the 1.44 update file from their website and as it was updating on my DS Lite it got to 42% and frooze. I let it sit @ 42% for about 30 minutes and never moved so immediately I knew it was going to be bricked since it couldn't finish the update.

    I did a little research and I found some others with the same problem with that update from www.r4igold.cn website. Looks like that update is meant to eliminate everyone's cart instead of update so that we can purchase new ones. So if you have this same cart and it works with at least some games don't run that 1.44 update file from their website, it will kill it. They don't even have any contact info to ask for ways on how to possibly get it back working.
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Something before you even concider buying:
    • Before buying anything try using YSMenu1.17a12 on your card: http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=30082.html

    And if you want to buy a new card, dont bother getting another stinky R4iGold card, they are bad.
    Rather buy an SuperCard DSONE (20$) or an Acekard 2i (20$) or a cheap R4 Original (2$) wich can run wood and such perfectly.
  7. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    No bad cards please, if ur gonna tell people to buy a card please dont tell them to buy a fake one.
  8. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    It was the first flashcart which worked on the 3DS and it gets supported. It also works on the dsi and it supports microsd cards up to 32GB. I don't see a reason to buy the original one, especially since they stopped making it in 2008, so there is a higher risk of buying a fake if you order an original r4'.
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Its a clone at first, second its not perfect.
    Rather buy an Supercard or Acekard 2i, it also works on 3ds and is more trusted in such.
  10. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I'll take a look at that link to see if I can make sense of it. Just to clear my situation with this r4igold.cn card, it no longer shows up when inserted into any of my ds lites or dsi's, that is what I meant by bricked above. Would that link still have some way of bringing it back. I believe it was Star Wars icon and now it is blank icon when I insert card.

    I'll try to research a little before buying a new one but if I could bring this one I have back to life I'll keep it just for my ds lite and I'll still get another to run on the DSi.

    Just took a quick look at the r4ids.cn site and almost makes me feel like it is made by the same people as r4igold.cn but in a different color card and name. Another feeling is that patch on the r4igold.cn site is definately there to take out any remaining of these cards still out there so people like me use it and then have to go out and buy another from them but just in a different name/site.

    I'll probably research the acekard 2i a little and forget any r4i for now as it is leaving a bad taste in my mouth because of my case.
  11. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Relying on secondary firmwares isnt really my thing at first second i trust the acekard team much more when comparing to one of a 138 r4 card team.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the major problem with the R4igold is people will inevitably buy the wrong one and that creates a support nightmare for us. That is why we don't recommend it.

    HOPEICAN Active Member

    I am very new to using these things. I have a R4i 3DS from r4ids.cn and love it. I also recently purchased a AceKard2i and although I do like it now I noticed it didn't have the update available at the time I received it to play certain roms while the R4i was playing the same roms perfectly for weeks.

    So they both make me happy but I liked that the R4i had the roms playing that the AK couldn't for a little while until Akaio released 1.90, hope I made sense of this as I'm still learning myself.

    I have read somewhere that you can use a working flashcart to bring a bricked one back and you would get the Icon back. You would have to get another flashcart of course but don't know how to do it. Maybe someone can come along and help you with it. I also remember reading that you would need a ds lite to do this and all the right firmware/updates and what not. Good luck and hope you get the icon back working to at least how it worked before you ran that update/virus.
  14. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    I recently ordered a new AK2i. Hope to get it soon. Maybe after I get it I'll order a r4ids.cn

    If there is a way to bring the Icon back on the r4igold, how would I do it if that update file that caused it to go down is the only one available on their website? Unless I didn't use the right one but I'm pretty sure I did.

    Is there different update files that work on this r4igold.cn other then the one from the website itself that would bring back the Icon?

    The firmware from the website worked to a limit but it worked, the update file just didn't. I no longer care that it doesn't work but don't mind experimenting with it to see if it is fixable.
    Post Merge: [time]1343002056[/time]
    I should start a new thread asking about how to unbrick it, I think this thread is no longer related to what the intentions were before it was bricked. I'll give it a shot at a new thread to attempt the icon fix on this one and hope to get the AK soon.